Proper Introduction

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3rd Person POV

Rose slowly stepped towards her with an intimidating glare.
"I suggest you fix that attitude miss before i fix it for you, I have had to listen to your shitty music all morning and I come over to tell you to stop but instead I see you in distress so I can to help. And this it level of disrespect you give me. Wow I'm very disappointed in you young lady."

Alex began stepping back and tried to look away from her intimidating, while whispering a very quite" I'm sorry ma'am"
Rose stepped forward with a smile on her face her heart beating faster as she called her ma'am it made her very happy to get an apology, she placed her finger below the younger girls chin to make her look up at her.

"it's fine, sweetie how about we start this little introduction again... Hmm?" she hummed softly and smile gently at the women standing in front of her.
Rose stepped back from the young girl.
Roses eyes began to wonder down Alex's face to her chest, Alex's once white t shirt suddenly was now transparent, Roses couldn't take her eyes away from the small women.

"Well m... my name is Alex " Alex stuttered out a statement still feeling Rose's eyes on her chest.
Rose lifted her eyes upwards at Alex and smiled at her
"Well Alex its lovely to finally meet you, I would have said hello yesterday but you ran in doors before I had the chance." Rose said with her eye brow arched showing Alex it was a more of a question than a statement.
"Ermm yeah I need to get some work done before bed so... I was in a hurry. Sorry" Alex whispered the last bit quietly, she didn't understand why she felt the need to act like this if it was anyone else she would have made them leave by now. Rose new she was lying about that last part as she could see the light blush on her cheeks.

"I will make use some coffee if you would like" Alex and Rose spent the next hour chatting to each other about the neighbourhood, Rose informing Alex all the nice places she should go in this town and what places to defiantly avoid.


"Yeah the fox it's a great club it might be up your street if you like risqué things" Rose said smirking.

"Maybe you can show me sometime... " Alex started shivering the coldness of her wet top starting to make her teeth chatter.
Rose laughed at her, she thought she was adorable and would love to take her to that club sometime. She was staring to enjoy her company already.

"Right come on sweetie straight up stairs you need to get changed before you get sick" Rose didn't want Alex to get sick the poor little thing was all on her own here, not her mom had left for work. Rose thought it was strange her living with her mom but then again she was only in her early twenties... She guessed.

"It's fine I won't get sick plus look at you your soaked too. I can't just leave you here frezzing cold." Alex said feeling guilty "It is my fault... Well kinda that you wet, let get you a new shirt as well... come on" Alex grabbed Roses hand pulling her up stairs and leading her to her bedroom.

Alex ran to her wardrobe and grabbed two over sized shirts and a pair of pajama shorts for her.
"Here you go " she threw the shirt to Rose "let me just grab you a towel "
"Thanks Alex" Rose whipped off her t shirt and whipped her wet body while Alex just stared at her in amazment.
"Like what you see?" Rose stepped forward once again trying to see how much she could make Alex submit to her. Alexs face went bright red as she looked down.
"So what if I do?" Alex looked back up smirking at Rose.

Rose raised her eye brow as she whipped of her bra then place the over sized shirt that fitted perfectly on her as the was about 6inches taller than little Alex.
Alex gasped at her and quickly turned around. Before trying to get her soaked t shirt off her body.
"Ermm Rose help... I'm stuck"
"You're what"
"I'm stuck. The wet t-shirt doesn't want to let go off my body"
"No wonder one you have a great body if I was that t shirt I would stay wrapped around you" Rose laughed as she walked towards the girl.
Rose places her hands on the girls bare waist and slowly stroked her skin with her thumbs.

"Don't panic ok. I got you little one" Rose moved her stuck elbows out of the tshirt and finally pulled it over her head, before laying eyes on the girls bright red face.
"Thanks" Alex stared up at the taller girls face smiling
"You have very pretty eyes Rose, I don't think have ever seen a green that bright before" Alex smiled, she liked Rose she had only met her a few hours ago but she already loved her company. She felt kinda safe, looked after and protected like someone else had her best interests at heart. It was a new feeling one she had never experienced before.

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