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3rd person Point of view

Alex and Alice both walked into the bar ready to blow of an immense amount of steam after their terrible day. Alex spent the evening bored out of her mind and the few days being sick made the week not so pleasant, so she was ready to get some alcohol in her system for sure. Alice on the other hand was having love in paradise and needed some time away from it all. Alice knew that being with Alex would definitely take her mind away from the complicated love triangle that she now herself stuck in.

"God I need a drink." Alice walked quickly to the bar as Alex followed her slowly still her eyes were locked on to Rose. "Beer please and a lovely cocktail for my dear friend." Alice smiled handing over her fake ID.

"Sure thing Alice." The bartender smiled. Alice had been here quite a few times so she was already pretty well known so the bartender didn't doubt Alex's age for even a second. The pair of them stood lent against the bar waiting for the drinks, Alice was looking up at the sports game on the television while Alex was looking down at the text she suddenly got. Of course it was Rose.

Sexy teach 😍 - Hey babygirl can you do me a favour and stay there. Ella is still with me and I don't know if she wants to see Alex yet nor does she know about us.

Alex sighed deeply, she kinda really wanted to be with Rose, she has been super clingy since feeling sick and all she wanted was some attention.  Alex replied back to Rose saying sure she will stay away.

Sexy teach 😍- Thank you, I love you loads.

Rose replied back to Alex making her blush slightly at the last bit of text.

"Let's go find a booth."Alice picked both drinks up.

"Let's sit up here? I liked the stools." Alex smiled calmly sitting down on the bar stool.

"You like them? Dude your feet can't even touch the ground." Alice laughed handing Alex the blue cocktail. "I thought you should try this, i have a feeling you're gonna like it. It's called unicorn tail."

"Ohh sounds cool." Alex took a small sip of the mysterious blue cocktail. "Oh damn that taste nice, what's in it?"

"Blueberry syrup, gin, lemonade and some other citrus things by the looks of it." Alice showed her the drinks menu.

"I'm gonna try that next." Alex pointed at the pink gin cocktail drink.

"Not until we get a round of shots in." Alice smirked devlishly "Can we get six short of your strongest vodka ." Alice laughed slightly as the bartender nodded and walked of to get their shots

"I'm all for vodka shots, trust me I am. I mean vodkas my favourite alcohol but -" Alex was stopped mid sentence with a slight punch and whine from Alice.

"Come onnnn, don't be a spoil sport. Rose isn't here to stop you." Alice protested against Alex.

"Dude you didn't let me finish, I was gonna ask what's wrong? Anddd! Just so you know Rose and I have a trusting relationship." Alex defended herself. But she then realised its best to text Rose that she was going to be drinking which Rose replied not too much.

" Oh. I apologise, fun Alex it is! And just so you know the shots are to forget my complicated life for just one night." Alice slammed her head down in the bar.

"Here ya go ladies, enjoy. If you need anything else just ask." The bartender places the tray of shots down.

"Just on time." Alice picked up a shot and gave the other one to Alex. "On three. One, two, three." And with that down the hatch they went.

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