Party invites

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3rd Person PoV

After Alex's lesson she met with Alice and met her soon to be best friends. One by one they introduced themselves.

Firstly it was Ryan, he was much taller than the others, Alex noted that he was taller than Rose. He had blonde hair, a good jaw line although Rose's was better Alex thought. He was on the football team, which explains his outfit and was dating Vanessa, Alice's best friend. She was smaller than Alice but still taller than Alex which made sense because most people were. She had also had blonde hair but it had a brown undertone and was pretty long.  She was wearing a skirt and a white tshrit with a red flannel.

Then there was Shawn, he was smaller than Ryan but still pretty tall around Roses height. He was slimmer than Ryan but still visibly toned and was very much a pretty boy. Within minutes he was asking Alex if he could take her out shopping. Making Alex laugh hysterically. Another gay she realised.

Then last but not least a girl that Alex had already spoken to before, Amber, the girl she had spoken to / flirted with to get Rose's attention. She had already been warned about her so she knew it was best to not be too friendly.

"Well Alex it's lovely to meet you." Vanessa said smiling as they all sat down with their lunches.

"Yeah definitely, tell us more about yourself!" Ryan flung his arm around his girlfriend and kissed her cheek.

Alex couldn't help but smile and think about how much she wished her girlfriend was here. She wanted to eat lunch with her and have her arm over her shoulder as a sign of Rose's possession.

Meanwhile Rose however was on the other side of the room watching Alex with her new friends, smiling fondly and relieved that she had made friends pretty easily. Well it wasn't a surprise, Alex was cool, hot, smart and definitely a loyal friend, anyone could see that within minutes.

However, Rose was uneasy when she saw Amber sitting with them and siting right next to her girlfriend.

"Rose you okay?" Miss Toner asked.

"Yep, definitely." She replied.

"Well you're sorta frowning pretty hard..."

Rose laughed and continued to watch carefully at Amber, she truly trusted Alex but Amber, not as far as she could throw her.

"So I moved her about 3 weeks ago, i was born in miami but I have moved alot since and somehow ended up here. I play soccer so it would be cool to find a team if you guys have one." Alex went on and the rest of them spoke getting to know each other more and more. Until Amber asked a question.

" Seeing as you're new here I'm guessing you're single? "

Alex didn't anticipate this question and didn't know what to answer, yes she want single she was very much with Rose but if they got caught she would be fired. Alex definitely did want that to happen to her girlfriend.

" Ermm, yes. But I'm not looking for anything right now!" Alex was trying to make it clear she wasnt interested in anyone at the moment.

"Well in that case you should come Alice's party tonight?" Amber asked getting closer to Alex and placing her hand on her thigh causing Alex to look up quickly and locked eyes with a very angry teacher.

"Ermm I already have plans" Alex said quickly standing up. " I should head to class, i need to get my things from my locker."

"We have Double English together, let's go. And you are definitely invited to my party if you get permission of course" Alice laughed, the pair of us saying goodbye and walking to class.

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