Looking After Mommy

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Rose's point of view

As I slowly started waking up much later than usual may I add, I felt my legs stretch and ache from yesterday's session and hips began to feel sore too. Yawning widely I turnt around in bed to see a surprising site. I was no longer holding my baby but instead she was holding me, my body had shifted down in the bed making Alex look taller than me expect her feet we near my knees bless her, my head was now laying on her bare chest her arms instinctively wrapping around me in her sleep, I felt her tightly squeeze me and head fall sleepily on top of mine. Her arms around made me feel so safe and secure like nothing could possibly be go wrong and it was a feeling I've never experienced before, to feel so loved by someone else and sweet and perfect as her. I buried my head into her chest and draped my arm and legs over her body and finally relaxed it felt like I had exhaled after holding my breath for so long yet I didn't even notice I was feeling like this, like I had be suffocating and being in Alex's arms was my breath of fresh air. I laid still for a moment before drifting back to sleep in her arms until we both finally woken.

"Hey baby" She whispered in her raspy sleepy voice, it was odd hearing her use her big voice especially in the morning. I forgot how deep and raspy it could be. She was tangling her left hand in my hair and playing gently as her right hand was gently holding my holding my hip.

"Morning beautiful" I smiled up at her relaxing once more.

"It's weird not being wrapped up in your arms but gosh I'm loving waking up to you being in mine" She giggled squeezing me tighter making me blush a little.

"Thank you sweetie. I'm loving it too. It's very comforting" I admitted.

"You know you can always be the little spoon whenever you want?" Alex reassured me "I really like it, as long as I get sow sort of cuddle I'm a happy bunny" She chuckled.

"Thank you again" I squeezed her back.

"Well let's cuddle some more then you can tell me about yesterday, we can talk a little then once we're done that can be it for today. Its gonna be a look after mama day. I can cook you breakfast and Rachel and Katy too... If they're awake. Then we can do anything you want, you name it "Alex stated making my heart melt.

"You're the best girlfriend ever "I looked up at her and kissed her passionately and nibbled her lip slightly.

"You too, I love you so much "She kissed my head.

" I love you too "I whispered laying back down. We cuddled for a little longer watching her smile down at me before I eventually sighed and sat up next to her leaning against the headboard.

" Ready? "Alex asked me.

" Yep "I sighed again, trying to mentally prepare myself once more.

"Let's start from the beginning baby. "Alex said squeezing my thigh to reassure me "How did your meetings go?"

"At first, they were great, Katy and especially Rachel were so helpful. Each one went to plan until the last one of course. I got new deals made and great plans for current businesses but on the last one which Rachel advised me went terribly." I sniffiled slightly trying to avoid eye contact so she wouldn't see me cry.

" Oh my baby "She sighed before holding my chin and kissing each check before wiping the stray tear that I didn't notice had fallen."Why did the last meeting go bad?" She asked gently now holding my hand.

"I - didn't know that meeting was with my father." I looked at her as she gasped.

"No." She hesitated before asking "What did you do?"

"I panicked of course. He brought up memories and stuff about my mother. Now I don't know what to do because it made me miss them. Not my dad of course, he's an asshole and terrible rotten criminal. But my mom was kind some times a bitch but I remember when I was younger when my dad spent weeks away on business trips, which now I think about it was probably dodgy, she was a completely different person without him around. She would play hide and seek with my sister and I, she taught us how to ride our bikes, she taught me how to cook as well as teaching me how to read. She's why I wanted to be an English teacher. "I explained.

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