What will happen now? River

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Chaos, everything is in chaos. After the rogue queen spoke to the witch queen the entire ballroom erupted into madness. Royals from other supernatural species are all over the place, some trying to rush out while others are trying to speak to the "new" queen. Royal pack members are arguing and shouting while rogue warriors are trying to keep control of the situation.

The witch clan left immediately after speaking to the rogue queen, taking Sam and Becca with them. They stood tall and proud as they walked away, not sparing the witch that looks like the queen as much as a glance. I wonder if they are somehow related, but if they are why didn't they speak to each other after the whole "the princess was killed by the royal pack" announcement? I wonder what the story is with that? I shake off my thoughts, I need to focus on the current situation and not let my mind wander to pointless speculation.

I can not move, I just stay in my spot on stage watching the chaos. I can't help but panic as rogue warriors approach me. Technically as Becca's mate I am considered part of the royal packs leadership so I'm sure I will either be killed, tortured or thrown in a cell. I don't bother fighting as 2 gigantic warriors grab hold of my arms firmly. Another two giants walk along side us with one in front of me as I am guided off stage. For a brief moment I make eye contact with the rogue queen, the slightest smirk makes its way to her face before my attention draws back to my current situation.

I fight off the need to vomit as every possible scenario plays out in my mind. Will I be sent with Becca and Sam to the witches? Will I be tortured or thrown in a cell...maybe both? What is happening with all of the royal guards? What is Becca's mother doing? Is Hope going to be okay? I am so lost in thought that I bump into the warrior in front of me when he stops walking. "Sorry" I mumble before looking around to see why we stopped. I am standing in front of one of the rooms in the castle. The warrior in front of me opens the door and I am pulled inside. "Stay" is the short direction given by the warrior before they all leave me locked in the room.

I wait for about 10 minutes before I start to survey the room. I check the door and windows only to find them all locked, of course they are locked. Honestly I don't know what I would have done if they had been unlocked, it's not like I would be able to run, the entire castle is in lockdown. I pace around the room trying to calm my nerves while my imagination runs wild. I am about to go mad with worry when my wolf finally makes an appearance. "Try to relax River" my wolf whispers from deep inside my mind.

My wolf has been almost completely MIA since I woke up without my memory. The pack doctor told me he was most likely deep inside my mind trying to repair the damage to my brain. He occasionally spoke to me but his voice was faint, almost like he was far away and it was never more than a word or two. "Dude where have you been?" I ask a little too harshly but I am freaking out right now. "I don't know what's going on but I have been unable to talk to you" he says sounding a bit clearer this time. "What do you mean?" I ask cautiously. "Something is blocking me, I am weak but I am getting stronger" he says cryptically. I take a deep breath "well if you have any suggestions, now would be a great time to chime in" I say while pinching the bridge of my nose. My head has been pounding since I first laid eyes on the rogue queen and it's really starting to get to me. "We wait" my wolf says shortly. I can't help but roll my eyes, that was not at all helpful. I hear my wolf laughing sarcastically in my mind "we are fucked, until we know what the rogue queen has planned for us we have no choice but to wait" he says quietly. I close my eyes tightly, I know he is right but still that does not sound like a great option. "I need to rest" my wolf mumbles before retreating back into my mind. Now I am worried about him, why is he having issues talking to me, what the hell is going on and why the hell does my head hurt so bad!

I sit on the edge of the bed for what feels like hours before I hear someone approaching the door. I stand up and stare at the door, my heart is pounding out of my chest as I hear keys unlocking the door.

The door opens slowly and the witch who looks similar to the witch queen enters the room. She smiles sweetly at me "how are you holding up River?" She asks playfully. I scrunch my eyebrows and watch her facial expressions closely, what is she up to? After a moment of silence I realize she asked me a question so I answer honestly "my head hurts" I mumble. I can see anger dancing in her eyes for a second which makes me wonder what reply she was looking for. She walks towards me slowly and it takes everything in me not to run away from her. For as much as I want to run I know I won't get far, plus I will make a fool of myself in the process. "I need to check something real quick, just stay still and try not to stress" she says firmly.

I stand completely still as she walks around me speaking some ancient language just above a whisper. After a few trips around me she mumbles something about amateur hacks and then walks towards the door. "Get comfortable, relax, take a shower or something" she says in a bored tone "I will send up some aspirin for your headache. Try to rest, you are going to be here a while" she says before walking out the door. I let out the breath I did not realize I was holding before plopping down hard on the bed. I rest my elbows on my thighs and hold my head in my hands, what the hell am I going to do now? Why can't things just be easy, is easy too much to ask for?

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