The next chapter River

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Note- Sorry for the delay, I have had a bad case of writers block :/. After several requests I have decided to write an alternate ending once the book is completed :D

It has been just over two months since my memories have been returned and surprisingly Rose and I are getting along well. I thought things would be awkward between us but it's like we are picking up right where we left off before I was "rescued" by Becca. While we don't have an actual mate bond between us my wolf sees Rose as his true mate and honestly I kinda do too. I have been assisting Rose in putting the royal pack back together and we have grown closer over the last few weeks.

Hope is doing well. When she first woke up after regaining her memories she was pissed. It took Garret, Rose and I to keep her from trying to hunt Becca down and kill her. Hope is very close to Rose and just last night told me she wishes Rose was my true mate instead of Becca. I laughed it off but deep down inside I feel the same way, Rose has been nothing but kind to me....(well aside from kidnapping and scaring the hell out of me) while Becca has hurt me deeply. I have been debating back and forth about rejecting Becca once and for all, my logical mind knows it's best for us to cut ties but a small part of me is hesitant. Rose has been patient, she is letting me decide in my own time which is just another reason I love her. We have not been physical with each other but our emotional bond is getting stronger by the day.

We have had some drama in the pack with some higher ranking wolves fighting the change Rose is implementing but overall things are going smoothly. The omegas are much happier and most high ranking wolves have an omega or two in the family tree so they are okay with the new policies. I have worked my ass off to help the families who are struggling and while I have worked more than a few late nights it has all been worth it.

A part of me misses and worries about Becca but I don't have time to over think it with how busy I have been. I don't know if I will ever be able to fully forgive Becca for what she has done and I have been thinking it would be less painful for both of us if I reject her and allow her to find her second chance mate. It's such a permanent decision...I just need time to think about what's best. I do love Rose, I accepted that fact shortly after gaining back my memories and while it does fill me with guilt it also brings me joy. In a weird fucked up way I also still love Becca, even after everything she has done I still think she has some goodness in her heart. Looking back on our time together I just find it hard to believe that Becca actually loves me, I mean who the hell would do what she did to someone they love? I can't help but wonder if the moon goddess got this all wrong, perhaps our second chance mates will be a better fit for both of us.

Rose has been working with Hope and I on training which while weird is really nice. Hope and I never learned how to fight, growing up as rogues meant not having to follow traditional pack standards. It has been a bonding experience between the 3 of us and I feel so much better knowing Hope is able to defend herself if anything ever happens.

Lisa is around a lot and at first I thought she was scary as hell but I now see her as a friend. Lisa has grown very close with Hope and I can't help but feel that Hope is filling the place in her heart where her sister used to be. Rose filled me in on the entire back story of Lisa and the witch queen. While my father was an evil asshole at least he didn't throw me away like trash like her mom did. Knowing everything Lisa went through really helped me to understand her cold hard demeanor, she is just trying to protect herself from this cruel world and it's just so sad. Rose also filled in some blanks about her childhood, it's so sad to think about everything she had to overcome and learning more about her has helped us grow even closer. While our stories are completely different each one of us has had to overcome serious obstacles in life and we have all grown stronger because of it.

About 40 pack members are gathered around the dinner table enjoying wonderful food and company, laughing and telling stories when the sudden sound of the pack alarm fills the room. Silence overtakes us for just a moment before Rose jumps up and starts barking orders. It all happens so fast, one moment we are enjoying dinner and the next chaos ensues. My eyes meet Roses for just a moment before I am being dragged away by one of the warriors. I am about to argue but stop immediately when Rose speaks "where is Hope?" She snaps. My heart drops as I begin frantically searching the crowded room for my sister. Everyone is up and running around, warriors preparing for battle while the young and old rush to the panic room. My worried eyes meet Rose's and I can see the determination in her eyes, she does not say a word but I know she will do whatever is necessary to protect her pack, her family, her baby sister. "I will check the safe room, please be safe" I yell over the panicked crowd towards Rose. I take one last look at Rose, she smiles softly at me as I run to the safe room with the others. I need to find my sister, I need to know she is okay. My only hope is that my sister is already safely inside the panic room, goddess please let her be okay, please let us all be okay.

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