Well, that could have gone better Becca

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Watching River walk out the door, my heart was pounding out of my chest. Excitement filled my veins as I watch one of my warriors grab hold of River. The warriors in my pack are not small guys, being part of the royal pack the warriors are almost as strong as I am, "almost".

I just stand back and watch a moment, seeing River struggling is turning me on way more than it should, filling my stomach with a wave of pure uncontrollable lust. My wolf was howling inside my head, excited to finally have her mate. I watch him fighting pointlessly until he finally looked to me. I could not even register what he was saying as I was so filled with lust over the sight in front of me. Helpless, controlled, mine... it was all too much, if we were alone I would be taking him right now. I watch him closely, memorizing every detail of how insanely sexy he looks, until I notice the blood seeping down his chest bleeding through his shirt.

I know that telling him to relax is a long shot but threatening him with being sedated seemed to calm him for a moment at least. When he tries to use his sister to negotiate his release I can see the panic in his eyes. The original plan was to wait to tell him I had his sister but looking into his eyes and seeing the worry I can't help but tell him she is safe.

Unfortunately, telling him I have her has the opposite effect and he begins to thrash around once again. I give Sam the signal to sedate him while I finally gave in to my urges to touch him, my crazy hot mate.

Feeling his warm lips on mine, even without being kissed back is the most amazing feeling in the world. I almost moan tasting his sweet skin, enjoying the anticipation of what's to come when he wakes up at home, in our room.

My wolf is chanting over and over again for me to mark him, I slowly move my hand to start unbuttoning his shirt. I can feel the raised skin on his chest, the scars that cover his body but in this moment I have to push that to the side, his father will pay but right now is about us, my mate and I.

I find the perfect spot to leave my mark and sink my teeth in, just in time, I want him to be awake when I mark him, aware that I am claiming him, now and forever as mine.

As soon as I feel Rivers head land softly on my shoulder I know he is out. I stand still for just a moment enjoying my mate resting on me, even if it was not of his free will, it is still amazing having him so close to me. I slowly pull away smiling.

"Congratulations team, we did it" I announce while the team cheers.

Sam smiles over to me, "let's get our king home and situated in his chambers" Sam says.

Once the warriors carry River over the pack line I can't help but release the breath I had been holding.

"Well that was eventful" Sam says giving me a high five.

"Haha yes it was" I reply. I turn to Sam, "how did it go with Hope?"

Sam nods, "all good on the sister front, as expected the pickup was successful though your father did say Hope has some fight in her. From what I understand" Sam continues, "it took 2 warrior to drag her into the car and she made one hell of a scene".

I can't help but burst out laughing, imagining my father fighting a child into the car. It will all be for the best, eventually Hope will realize it's safe here and she will have an amazing life, never having to worry about anything ever again.

"One last open item I say" looking to Sam with determination.

"Enforcers have already located the jackass, he leaves work at 8 and he will be picked up and sent to the cells as soon as he steps out of the factory", Sam confirms.

"Excellent", I say with a wide smile. "I am off to the castle to take a look at my sexy mate before he wakes up".

My wolf pipes up in my head, "we need to check every inch of his body, I want to know exactly what that ass of a father did to him" I nod and reply, I could not agree more.

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