Mates? I think not Becca

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"Hey girl!!" Sam yells to me as we met in the pack house kitchen.

"Hi Sam" I reply, "how are you this lovely morning?"

Sam smiled over at me and gave me a big hug, "I am so excited that you are finally 18 Becca! Are you super excited to find your mate?" Sam asks.

"Honestly, I can't wait, I just know he will be amazing", I say smiling. "Maybe I will run into him at school today?"

"Well" Sam says "let's get our butts to school so we can find that mate of yours!"

Sam and I jumped into my car and rush off to school.

When I first walked in I was smelling around like a spaz. After my first class and no sign of my mate I asked my wolf Charlie- "Charlie do you think our mate is in school with us?"Charlie waited a moment and then said, "I have a good feeling about today I think we already know our mate". That was all of the motivation I needed as I walked to my next class.

At lunch I met up with Sam, Chris, Kristin and Sacha. Chris is the delta's daughter, Kristin is the lead warriors daughter and Sacha is one of the gammas daughters.  I walked up to the table and greeted everyone "hi losers how's it going?"

"Don't ask us how it's going" Sacha said "any luck on your mate?" I pouted and told them about what my wolf said and told them about my lack of luck up to this point.

"Okay" Chris said, "skip the rest of your classes and just wander the halls until you smell him!"

Everyone laughed but I think that's not a bad idea. Lunch went by with small talk about the party and light conversation.

For my last two classes the gang and I wandered around looking for my mate. The last bell of the day rang and I had almost lost hope when I smelled him. My wolf started screaming in my head "follow that smell!" It was the most amazing thing I had ever experienced, the smell made me feel like home, I could not even put my finger on what it was exactly but the feeling the smell brought me was pure happiness.

I followed the smell to a row of lockers on the far end of school, His locker was open so I could not see his face but I knew by the way my body reacted that it was him, my mate. Why is he not coming to me? Ohh maybe he is shy? I hurried my step and as I got closer my stomach started to drop.

I was 2 feet away when he closed his locker and I stood face to face with River Collins. I looked in his eyes, shocked at first but it was slowly being replaced by anger.

River looked me in the eyes and I could tell he knows I am his mate by the shocked expression on his face.

"What the fuck", I say with as much hatred as I can muster.

My friends standing behind me are lost on what to say but they do manage to start laughing like this is the funniest thing to ever happen.

River broke eye contact to look over at the hackling group behind me but brought his eye contact back to me when I started speaking to him.

I took a deep breath, anger rolling off me in waves and said "I Rebecca Hunter reject you, River Collins as my mate and future king. You are a filthy rogue and you not worthy of being my mate or king." For a split second I saw hurt in his eyes but it was quickly covered with a cold mask of indifference.

"I River Collins accept your rejection Rebecca Hunter" and with that he turned around and walked away.

As soon as the words came out of my mouth I regretted them and as soon as the words left his mouth I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

My squad stood behind me still acting like this was a joke, well everyone but Sam. Sam looked as broken as I felt as I watched him walk away.

As the laughing continued I heard Sacha say, "well now that you rejected him does that mean I can ask him out?"

"Haha" Kristen laughed at Sacha's comment, "no joke now that he is single I would not mind hitting that" Chris smiles wide and agrees with the other girls.

The rage began to boil in my mind and I snapped at these people who pretend to be my friends "get the fuck out of my face assholes" I screamed as I ran to the bathroom, Sam hot on my tail. As I entered the bathroom Sam came up and gave me a big hug. I cried.

"Sam I fucked up! Oh my god what was I thinking! I rejected my mate, the moon goddess gift what did I do?" I was sobbing at this point while Sam rubbed my back.

"You need to make this right, like now Becca" Sam said.

"I know, but how do I undo such a horrible thing Sam?" I say as the weight on my chest makes it hard to breathe.

Sam continues to rub my back while she brainstorms a way to fix this, "I think we should talk to your parents, let them know what happened and they can help us make this right" Sam says softly.

"Your right", I say trying to calm down as Sam helps me up. "Let's go talk to them and come up with a plan to fix this and get my mate back".

After we got home and talked to my folks to say that I feel even worse is an understatement.

My mom and dad looked at me with anger and pity.

"Honey", mom says, "you need to fix this now, your mate does not just make you happy but they also make you stronger, a queen without her true king will fail".

Tears are streaming down my face as the image of Rivers eyes looking down at me when I said those words came back to me. I feel so broken and with each moment more and more memories of River and my past come flying back to me. The time I had my "friends" hold him down while I kicked his ribs, the times I called him awful names and beat the hell out of him, it was all too much for me and my wolf.

My mind has completely shut down, in the background I can hear my dad speaking "put the word out for the pack to keep an eye on his movements, it's not uncommon for rejected wolves to run away" hearing my dad call him "rejected" is too much and I start hyperventilating.

"Sam take Becca to her room please", my mom says sadly. "The king and I will make sure River sticks around until Becca can speak with him".

Sam carefully helps me to my room and I pass out while crying hard into my pillow.

The last feeling I have before darkness takes me is this painful feeling of regret, not just for the rejection but for everything I put my mate through for the last 13 years. Please moon goddess help him to forgive me, I can't lose him.

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