My baby sister the wolf River

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Today my baby sister is going to shift for the first time! Looking back I am amazed that we were able to survive the years of abuse and heartache we suffered.

Becca and I are finishing up getting ready for Hope's 13th birthday party. Becca is wearing an extremely sexy dark red dress, floor length with a slit up one side that ends mid thigh. Her blond hair is done in a high bun with small curls that come down in just the right places, honestly she looks amazing. I am in the same old monkey suit that men always wear except my vest is a deep red to match Becca's dress.

Becca has been talking non stop about how excited she is about the party, all of the important people that are attending and the amazing food, band, and decorations that her mom set up for the event. Honestly I am not even remotely interested but seeing how excited Becca is brings a smile to my face.

Becca's non stop talking is interrupted by a knock at the door, I walk over and open the door while Becca finishes putting her earrings on.

"Hi Sam" Becca chirps as Sam walks in, "I am almost ready and we can head down", she says. I nod to Sam as a hello and Becca walks over to us, "lets do this thing" Becca says excitedly.

The three of us walk down to the main hall, making small talk and laughing. Once we arrive I am blown away. The hall is decorated floor to ceiling in fairy lights, a band plays classical music in the corner while elegant tables are set up across the entire room. A dance floor is situated in the middle of the room, surrounded by light pink and white flowers and overall it is just magical.

A small smile makes its way to my lips as I imagine how excited Hope is going to be when she sees this. Never in a million years could I have given her anything like this and I am happy while a bit guilty that the queen put so much work in to all of this.

Becca smiles warmly to me, most likely aware that I am in awe of the amazing job her mom did planning. I am pulled over to the head table, Becca grabbing two glasses of champagne during the walk over and she hands me one. I thank her before taking another moment to look around. "Your mom really went all out on this Bec", I say, the amazement obvious in my voice.

Becca smiles wide, "queens love to throw parties" she says, "but I do think she went a little crazy because it is Hopes first real birthday party".

I laugh, "yeah but still, this is too much, it must have cost a fortune..." now it is Becca's turn to laugh, "you know my parents will do anything for Hope" Becca says while pulling me into a hug. "Hope is a royal now, and part of our family, she deserves this". I shoot Becca a small smile and then look around. "Speaking of the king and queen, when will they arrive?"

Becca looks at her watch, "Hope and my parents should be arriving in about a half hour. Sam, you and I will greet the guests as they arrive so they can make a grand entrance with the guest of honor", Becca says winking at me.

"Lovely", I mumble, hating the idea of making small talk with a bunch of people I don't know.

Sam laughs, "dude I feel the same way!!"

Becca just rolls her eyes and takes a large drink from her champagne.

"Drink up dude", Sam whispers, "Becca is about to be in her element, it's quite a show", Sam says with a grin. We spend the next 20 minutes talking to high ranking pack members and with Becca introducing me to high ranking supernaturals. Becca whispers names in my ear as people walk towards us, I shake more hands than I have in my entire life and maintain perfect posture trying not to be intimidated by all of the attention we receive.

After what feels like a lifetime the lights dim and the music stops, I see the king and queen walk in and stop at the top of the grand staircase.

"Thank you my dear friends for joining us on this most important day", the king begins speaking loudly, easily projecting his voice across the entire hall. "Our kingdoms new princess has turned 13, truly an amazing reason to celebrate", he booms while the queen smiles widely next to him. "Without further ado I am truly blessed to introduce the guest of honor, princess Hope".

The entire room erupts in applause as Hope walks up and joins the king and queen. Hope looks stunning, she is wearing a knee length white dress with light pink accents. Her hair is curled and left loose down her back, she has a small crown on her head and white flats on. Hope is smiling proudly and I can't help the tears that are forming in my eyes as she walks down and greets the guests.

Becca takes my hand without taking her eyes off Hope and squeezes lightly, "she looks beautiful" Becca says to me quietly. I squeeze her hand back and shake my head yes, avoiding speaking because I don't trust my voice not to crack.

The night goes by quickly, Hope received more gifts than I have ever seen in my life, while Becca and I entertained the guests. Becca and I manage to dance a few times together but mostly we danced with other supernatural royalty.

I have never in my life met a vampire but tonight I danced with both the queen and princess of the vampire royal clan. I shared a toast with the fairy prince and laughed about how much we both hate parties with the ruler of the demon dimension. To say I was out of my depth would be a major understatement. I have a new respect for what the werewolf royals do to keep peace with the rest of the supernatural world after witnessing Becca defuse an argument between a demon duke and a vampire elder.

As we approach midnight the party is winding down, and a few select people are heading out to the woods to watch Hope's first shift. I managed to speak to Hope only twice all night as everyone wanted to get to know the newest royals, keeping both of us busy with small talk and introductions.

Walking to the clearing I am holding Hope's hand, my nerves are on edge as I can't help but worry about her. Garret, Sam, Becca, the king, queen and I make a small circle around Hope as she stands in the center wearing a white robe with pink slippers.

Hope smiles widely and we wait. We were only waiting about 2 minutes before the sound of Hopes bones cracking starts. It was painful to watch my baby sister scream in pain as she rolled around on the ground but thankfully it only lasted about 20 minutes before she shifted fully into a beautiful white wolf.

We all cheered for her as she gave off a beautiful wolfish smile. After Hopes shift was complete we all shifted and ran peacefully through the woods, a perfect ending to a perfect day.

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