Going home Rose

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After close to a week traveling I am finally here,  home. This pack territory was my main base of operations, most of my pack members lived here and while I am happy to be home I am also worried about what I will find.

As I step over the territory line I am shocked to find several guards approaching. They bow "glad to have you back alpha" one guard says with a wide smile. I grin "how are things?" I ask cautiously. "Smooth sailing alpha" he says as we walk towards the pack house. I am shocked walking through town, I see children playing, pack members working and overall a normal looking pack. I nod and greet pack members as we walk, excitement and relief obvious on their faces as they see their alpha has come home. I can't wrap my mind around how this is happening until I finally make it to my office.

As soon as I open my office door I am greeted with Lisa's smiling face. "Took you long enough" she chirps with a wide smile. I am filled with happiness and so shocked all I can say is "how?". Lisa laughs "do you really think I would let those bitches kill me?" She asks playfully. "I saw you die" I say, still looking at her with wide eyes. She grins "correction, you saw my projection die" she says winking. I can't hold myself back any longer as I rush over and hug her tightly. "I'm so glad your okay" I say fighting off tears. She laughs "I'm glad your okay too, honestly I don't have the patience to run your pack" she says looking annoyed. "Thank you" I whisper, Lisa truly is an amazing friend.

"Okay, okay, no more of this mushy shit, let me fill you in" Lisa says while taking a seat in front of my desk, allowing me to sit behind it. Lisa tells me everything about River, Hope, my captured pack mates, the royals and what I have missed. Thankfully Lisa has planned River and Hopes rescue because apparently Rebecca is planning on marking my mate in two days. Lisa goes over the entire plan and I am pleased, Lisa really has a knack for strategy.

"Are we done after this" she asks suddenly very serious. I smile to myself and nod, "I just want to enjoy life, no more vengeance, no more drama, I just want to grow old with my mate and pack" I say honestly. "How do you feel about that?" I ask Lisa feeling worried that she will be disappointed. She smiles "I can't wait to try boring" she says while laughing. I smile brightly "well then, let's get ready to steal my mate back" I chirp as I go over the plans in more detail.

After several hours and a few tweaks to the plan we are finally ready. I mind link the pack and thank everyone for following Lisa's lead in my absence before retiring to my room. I take a long hot shower and reflect on my life. My entire life has been about survival and vengeance, I can't wait to start a new chapter with the man I love.

Time flys by and tonight is the marking ceremony. Everything is in place and I am just waiting for the right moment. I am dressed in a tight fitting black ball gown, I look stunning and I plan to make one hell of an entrance. Lisa is also dressed beautifully as we wait for the exact moment to reveal ourselves.

The team I sent to secure Hope reported back about 30 minutes ago that they have Hope safe. I did get an earful about how feisty she is from the team but once she has her memories back it will all be worth it.

Lisa has a few witches with her to assist with the spells needed for tonight's main events. I know the plan is risky but I also know it's the only way for this to end once and for all. I feel my nerves on edge as one of my teams report that they have freed my captured pack warriors from the royal cells. The guards have been knocked out so they cannot sound the alarm. I wait patiently as all of the royals from every species arrive.

The ballroom fills with royalty and leaders, all of the most powerful supernaturals in the world gathered here to watch the show I am about to present. I watch as Rebecca and River walk on stage, my heart pounds in my chest as I watch the man I love, the man I mourned walk on stage. The entire hall goes quiet as Rebecca begins to speak, I allow her to greet her guests, a large smile on her face before I rudely interrupt. Lisa starts casting her spell and I begin to walk towards the stage. My eyes glued to the woman I hate the most in this world as walk with authority towards her.

Rebecca's eyes finally land on me and she stops speaking, staring at me as I grin at her. The entire room looks towards me, trying to figure out why the wolf queen has stopped talking.

You can hear a pin drop and I smirk at her, "hello queen Rebecca" I say smiling "surprised to see me?"

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