She will pay a painful price Rogue Queen

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I am currently pacing around my office, Lisa looking at me with a bored look on her face. "I don't understand why we can't just kill them all" Lisa says with an sly smile on her face.

"You have what... 40,000 rogues currently under your command", Lisa continues, "plus the most powerful witch that has ever walked the earth" she waves her hand down her body, indicating that she is in fact the powerful witch she is talking about.

I smile sweetly at her, "while you are insanity powerful at your craft and while I do have a small army at my disposal, I would rather not scare my mate half to death while getting him back" I say, disappointment evident in my tone.

Lisa laughs, "you really have it bad for this guy huh?" She asks.

I look down to the ground, memories of River flood my mind and I smile. "I really do" I say while plopping down in my chair.

River and I only spent a short time together but Lisa was able to show me memories of his life. Using her powerful magic she showed me his past through his own eyes, I could feel what he was feeling in each memory. I don't know if it's the way he loves and protects his sister, something I never had with my own brother, or the way he fought through his hard life, surviving something most would not have, whatever the reason, I feel connected to him in a way I never experienced with my so called "true mate".

With my piece of shit true mate it was just lust, our primal urge to reproduce with the person destined to us by the goddess, but with River it is so much deeper. I have a want, no...a need, to protect him, to show him the beauty of the world, I need to have him all to myself, all of him, mind, body and soul.

The idea of that spoiled queen bitch touching what's mine infuriates me. What has she ever done in her life to deserve a mate like him? River has seen the worst the world has to offer and is still a pure soul, while that bitch has had life handed to her on a silver platter and still turned out to be a heartless cunt. She is not good enough for him, she will drag him down, treat him like a toy and throw him away when she is done with him. I won't let that happen, River is MINE.

It pisses me off even more that River is a rogue, so as the rogue queen he belongs to me anyway. Her taking one of my people and using him however she desires is another example of how fucking entitled she is. River is my mate, it's obvious that the moon goddess fucked up on this one and I am powerful enough to correct that mistake, I just need a solid plan. What pisses me off the most is how high and mighty pack wolves act, they walk around like they are the good guys while killing defenseless rogues for minor offenses, ruling packs like they are gods, believing monsters over children just because of fucking status.

I am evil, I don't hide it, I don't pretend that I am the good guy and then act like the devil when no one is looking. Pack wolves are scum, and the wolves that lead them are the lowest of the low. I will only ever pretend to be kind for one person and that is River. I will do everything in my power to protect him from the evils of the world, including knowing about my true self.

I don't have a ton of spare time, I am very active in running my pack, training, recruiting, monitoring my packs businesses to ensure money will never be an issue. I won't allow the children in my pack to go hungry, I won't allow families to suffer just because they are considered low ranking by stupid pack standards. In what little spare time I do have I think about River. When alone my mind is filled with perfecting my rescue plan or watching Rivers memories.

I have watched Rivers "mating" with the bitch a few times but my favorite memories to watch are those with Becca before she decided to accept the "mate" bond. I love watching her rejecting him, I can see the exact moment that she realizes her mistake, the subtle shift in her eyes when she realizes she fucked up, the way my River stands proud, staying strong against her viscous attack. I also enjoy going back and watching all of the times the bitch hurt him, not because I enjoy his pain but because I know every time River looks at her those memories come back to him, keeping their bond weak, allowing me to swoop in and take what's mine.

I try to avoid watching them "mate", while I do enjoy how insanely sexy the memories are I hate feeling Rivers emotions, the way he felt so violated, useless, defenseless. I am evil, no doubt about that but I will never make River feel like that, I will never make him feel useless.

Part of my master plan is to have Lisa erase Rivers memories from the moment right before discovering the bitch was his mate until now. Once his memories are gone Lisa will create a new mate bond between us and we will start our lives together, River none the wiser about his ex mate and the awful way she treated him.

I look over to Lisa, "do you have everything you need for the spell?" I ask.

"Yes" she replies shortly.

"Okay, I have reached out to our warriors and told them to meet us here" I say in a serious tone. "I won't have a repeat of last time, if I had not had that potion you gave me to teleport it would have been game over. This time we will win, Rebecca and that pathetic excuse of a father of hers will cower under my real power".

Lisa grins at me, evil swirling in her eyes as she nods slightly. "I call dibs on the cunt of a beta Sam" she says, "we have unfinished business".

I smile widely over to Lisa, "of course my dear, I can't be the only one having fun after all" I say as I wink at her laughing.

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