Seriously, do I have a "kidnap me, please" sign on my back or something? River

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I wake up abruptly, my eyes shooting open while I quickly sit up. I am instantly filled with relief, completely shocked that I am alive. That relief quickly turns to dread as I look around and see my current surroundings.

I am in a large room, with dark colored walls, the bed I am laying on has black sheets with deep red blankets and the faint light coming from the windows tells me the sun is just now starting to rise. I notice the thick bars on the windows and the closed bedroom door. I also can't help but notice that I am completely naked, a perk of shifting while passed out. I huff in annoyance as I slowly pull myself out of the bed, looking around for clothes.

I find some sweatpants and a large t-shirt in the dresser and quickly get dressed. Once dressed I start looking for an exit.

I slowly and quietly approach the door and listen for any sound coming from outside. It is eerily quiet so I reach for the door handle and slowly attempt to turn it. The door opens with a loud creak, FUCK, I think as I hold my breath, waiting for someone to come running at me. After a moment of complete silence I continue my great escape.

Slowly and quietly I tip toe down the hallway, praying that I am going the right way. The hallway is pitch black so using my wolf's advanced sight I carefully make my way to a set of stairs. I can't see much but I can tell this house is massive and from what I can see, very modern.

What the hell, I think to myself, I thought rogues got me not some rich dude... I don't have time to overthink it as I make my way down the steps, listening carefully for any sounds or indication that someone may be alerted to my escape. I manage to make it to what I think is the main floor, the sun is now just over the horizon and I can see through a large window the miles of forest outside the house. My eyes dart around, looking for the door. When I spot the door I make may way towards it, praying it's unlocked and I won't get caught. I reach slowly for the handle, but right before I manage to grab it strong hands quickly turn me around.

I stare directly into the eyes of the girl who just snuck up on me, wide eyed and startled.

The girl smiles widely at me and says, oh look who finally woke up!

I take a moment to asses my current situation, my back is firmly against the door, this strangers hands are glued tightly to my shoulders and she is about 6 inches away from my body. I can feel the dominance rolling off of her, she has jet black hair with the tips dyed bright neon pink, she has light blue eyes, a perfect smile, about my age, around 5'6 and has an aura of pure evil.

I apparently take too long to reply so she backs up slowly and proceeds to slowly rake her eyes over me, not even trying to hide that she is so obviously checking me out. I cross my arms in front of my chest, a subconscious defense mechanism for the extreme discomfort I feel with the way she is looking at me.

I take a breath and start explaining, "well um, I uh... really need to find my little sister, she uh is out in the woods, we umm..... got separated last night and she is too young to be outside by herself" I say nervously.

The girl laughs, a beautiful but scary laugh as she smiles slyly at me.

"Don't worry River, your cunt of a mate found her before my men could get her", she says still smiling but I can see the rage in her eyes.

"Fuck" I mumble, while bringing my hands to my face and rubbing my eyes harshly. I look over at scary girl and she has a curious look on her face, she is looking right in my eyes, trying to read my reaction I imagine.

"Uh well, um....I'm sorry I did not get your name", I say.

She grins, "well River, I go by many names but most folks just call me the rogue queen" she says with a look of amusement in her eyes.

I can tell that my face has lost all color as my heart rate shoots up, and my eyes become wide with the realization that I am currently less than a foot away from someone who is known far and wide as a sadist.

"Uhh" I say, my voice doing nothing to hide the fear that has taken over my body, "I uhh really need to get my sister back so I should be going... "the rogue queen smirks, "oh no River, what's the matter, you don't trust your mate with your baby sister?", she asks.

Panic courses through me as I shake my head no to her question. "W-we are not on the best terms r-right now, umm and uh I-I would feel better if Hope was with me" I finally manage to say.

The queen tilts her head to the side, squinting her eyes slightly, in one smooth motion she grabs my shirt, ripping it so my mate mark is visible, "this" she says pointing to my mark, "kinda implies that you and your mate are doing just fine", she snarls.

I can't help but huff at her assumption, "that's if I was marked by choice" I mumble out before I realize what I said. I quickly take my hands and cover my mouth, looking at her wide eyed, praying she did not just hear what I said.

As has been my luck for the last week the queen not only heard it but seems to find it very interesting that I was not marked willingly. "Well, well, well she says, almost giddy, what an interesting turn of events. So River tell me" she continues, "did she lock you away in her room, forcing you to cooperate?"she says, with a condescending tone.

Apparently my facial expression told her that she hit the nail on the head and she suddenly looked at me with wide eyes of her own. Laughter filled the room and the rogue queen started backing away from me slowly, "what an amazing turn of events we have here River, our spoiled little queen having to force her rogue mate to stay with her", she continues, amusement still heavy in her tone.

"Y-yeah well I don't really find it funny", I say while trying to add to the distance between us.

She laughs again, "well I imagine not, poor boy, please tell me, have you finished the mate bond?", she asks, with an expression I can't really identify.

I stand still, tight lipped, trying to keep my face neutral but she already know and begins cackling uncontrollably. "Wow, I didn't think she would have it in her to force you into the full mate bond" she says, amusement and slight distain in her voice. She pauses a moment before she looks like she solved the world's hardest puzzle, "let me guess" she says, "she used that sweet little sister of yours to make sure you cooperated?"

I look at the ground, not sure what to say, not sure why she cares and overall just trying not to puke.

The queen lets out a half chuckle and out of the corner of my eye I see 4 rogues approaching, "take him back to his room" she says, "and this time lock the fucking door you dumb asses!"

I panic, I can't go back to that room I need to go get Hope, for all I know Becca is torturing her as we speak, my body goes stiff as I dart my eyes around looking for an escape.

The guards are coming from my left side so I have no other option but to run right, I quickly propel myself to the right, dodging the guards hands as they try and fail to grab me, I run as quickly as I can into a massive kitchen, I look around for an exit and make my way to the opposite wall, I don't know where the door leads but it's my only option at this point. It all happens so quick, one moment I am running to the door and the next I am on my back, the rogue queen straddling me, looking down at me with an amused grin plastered on her evil face.

She grabs both sides of my head, my arms pinned to my side with her insanely strong leg as her men catch up with her. She tilts my head forcefully to the left and I feel a pinch on my neck before black dots take over my vision and I fall into the darkness yet again.

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