The heartless queen Becca

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6 months.....6 months ago my heart turned to stone. My father was brutally murdered, my best friend was beaten into a coma, my mate betrayed me, and my people lost their lives.

For the first few days I mourned the loss of my father, my people and my mate. Then my sadness was replaced with anger, blinding hatred for that rogue bitch and my so called mate. I put the pieces together, River must have agreed to help the rogue queen spy on the royal pack when he was with her before I "rescued him".

The thought of my mates betrayal, his role in my fathers death along with so many of my pack member injuries and deaths fills me with so much hate. I want nothing more than to get my hands on him and kill him painfully and slowly. I want that stupid excuse for a rogue queen dead also, don't get me wrong but it's River that I stay up late at night imagining all of the ways I will kill him. The bitch wanted me dead... okay... but River.... his betrayal broke me. While my father was actually killed by the bitch, my fathers blood is on Rivers hands. I can still see the fear on Rivers face when I close my eyes, the fear of knowing that I witnessed his betrayal with my own two eyes.

I spend my days ruling my kingdom with an iron fist. My mother stepped down when dad died, heartbroken and unable to rule. I visit Sam daily, she was in a coma for 4 months and is now awake and recovering.

Sam was beaten so badly that she suffers brain damage and some spotty memory loss. While her memory is coming back slowly as her wolf heals her damaged brain she still can't remember that night, she can't tell me who hurt her. I know that I have become heartless and cruel, but I can't seem to care. I have harshly punished pack members for small infractions and I spend my free time planning my revenge. When I get River back I will make him suffer, he will die screaming and begging for mercy that he will never get.

Today is an important day, my trackers have located my traitor of an ex mate and I will have him in the cells by tomorrow morning. I spend the evening with Sam while I await word that River has arrived. Sam never asks about River making me wonder if somewhere in her mind she knows he betrayed us. I must have dozed off because I woke suddenly when my lead warrior notified my via mind link that River is unconscious in a cell. An evil smirk makes its way to my face as I quietly slip out of Sams room, careful not to wake her.

Walking towards the traitors cells I am almost giddy with anticipation. I can't wait to break him like he broke me. Standing over his limp body my guard hands me a bucket of ice cold water. I throw it over him and as expected his shoots up wide eyed and confused.

River looks over to me and I can't help but enjoy the look of terror in his eyes. "Well well look who we have here", I say in a mischievous tone. I smirk down at him while he just stares at me in fear. "I bet you never thought you would see me again huh?", I ask with an evil grin.

He says nothing so I kick him hard in the ribs, I enjoy the sounds of his ribs cracking and his wheezing in pain. He is looking down, trying to breath when I continue speaking, "you my piece of shit ex mate will tell me everything you know about that queen bitch of yours, no don't get me wrong I won't go easy on you for talking, but you will still talk", I say while laughing. I punch him hard in the face and he falls to the ground unconscious. "Well damn", I huff, I guess the fun will have to wait until later... I look over to the guard, "when he wakes beat the hell out of him until I get back", I say while winking and walking away.

I am humming a tune as I make my way to my room, laying down for the night, dreaming of all of the ways I will make River pay for his betrayal. I am sleeping peacefully when my door suddenly busts open. I shoot up in bed looking at my mother who seems to be excited to tell me something. "Seriously mom", I scream, "can't you knock like a normal person, you almost gave me a heart attack!!"

My mom laughs, "I would normally" she begins to explain "but I have big news!!"

"Okay, okay" I say in a tired voice, "explain while we get coffee okay...?" my mom smiles wide and begins walking with me to the kitchen.

"So I have been thinking about Sam and how we can help her get better", my mom explains.

"Ooookkkkayy" I say not overly interested.

"Sooo I found a witch that can help with her memory issue", my mom exclaims, giddy like a child on Christmas morning.

"Wow mom! That's amazing, when can she be here?" I ask.

"She is already on her way", my mom continues, "she will be here in the next hour!"

I smile widely and hug her tight, "you are the best mom" I say while I continue to hug her.

My mom just smiles, "lets go tell Sam!!"

We are sitting with Sam when the witch appears, we explain the situation again and the witch examines Sam. "I will need a few hours the witch says with confidence."

"That's awesome" Sam chimes in. We chat for a bit once the witch leaves and the I excuse myself to continue my interrogation of my ex mate.

When I arrive at his cell he is awake, his face is swollen and bloody, his body covered in cuts and bruises, I smirk, apparently my guards know to follow my directions to a T. I approach River and pull out a silver dagger with my gloved hands. "So traitor", I say, "my guards tell me that you have not given up that bitch girlfriend of your yet", my tone is deadly.

River looks up to me with tired eyes, "FUCK YOU" he says shortly. I laugh, "oh no my dear ex mate, you are the one that is fucked", I say while I chuckle. He says nothing as I approach, I take the dagger and stab him in the stomach, not deep enough to kill but enough that he is in extreme pain. I grab a syringe with wolves bane and inject it in his arm, the dagger still firmly inserted in his stomach. I smile, "lets see how cooperative you are in the morning shall we?" I say as I walk away, leaving him rolling around in pain.

I smile my entire way back to my office while I wait for the witch to come back and help Sam.

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