How does one dude get two crazy queens? River

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I slowly start to regain consciousness, my head is pounding so I hesitate a moment before opening my eyes.

I was initially confused but my memories come back quickly along with a powerful wave of panic. I sit up too quickly, swaying slightly as my body adjusts to the new position. I am back in the same room as before, the room in the mansion of the rogue queen. I close my eyes lightly and slowly try to stand up. The first thing I notice is that whatever drug they injected me with is still in my system, I am wobbly and having a hard time standing. The second thing I notice is that I am fucking naked again.

Anger rises inside me as I pull myself to the dresser looking again for clothes. "Why the fuck would someone take my clothes off" I bitch to myself while getting dressed.

I make my way to the door, knowing already that it's locked, but I have to check right? As expected it's locked so I make my way around the room looking for an escape route. After 20 minutes and slightly burnt fingers later I have come to the conclusion that 1. I have no means of escape and 2. whoever put silver bars on these windows is a dick.

I find my way back to the bed and sit on the edge with my elbows on my knees and face in my hands. I sit in that position for what feels like hours when suddenly my attention gets pulled to noise outside of the bedroom door. I listen closely as someone unlocks the door and swings it wide open.

Standing in the doorway is the queen of evil herself holding a bag from McDonald's. She tosses the bag over to me and I catch it, a little bewildered by the events taking place.

"Eat up" she orders "and once done take a shower and read a book or something", she grins down at me while continuing her instructions, "you will be here a while so you really should make yourself comfortable", she winks at me and turns around, leaving me alone once again.

I run my hands through my hair in frustration, what the fuck has happened to my life! I look inside the bag and it has enough food for 5 people. I decide to eat a burger and fries while I walk around the room, surveying the area again.

The room is large, bookcases full of every type of book you could imagine, a full size fridge stocked with food and drinks but no stove or microwave. Someone made sure to remove anything that could be used as a weapon, going as far as to bolt down the lamps and tables. I wonder how many other people have spent time here, how many other rooms she has like this? I shake off the thought and decide to take a shower, not because the "queen" ordered it but because I am still gross from my unsuccessful run away attempt.

My wolf chimes in, "it was not unsuccessful human, we managed to escape one queen" he jokes, I can't help but grunt in reply, how did I get here, kidnapped again, being held against my will again, separated from Hope again... not even a full week ago my biggest concern was my father, now I have been kidnapped by two queens in one week.

I clear my mind, grab some clean clothes and jump in the shower. While standing under the hot water I try to put the puzzle pieces together. Why am I here, why is the rogue queen keeping me locked up, why has she not killed me yet, killing a marked mate is a sure bet to weakening the other mate so honestly, even though the thought terrifies me, it would be the most logical thing for her to do.

If the rogue queen wants the royal pack to fall, killing me would weaken Becca to a point that she would be unable to rule, easy solution for her, kinda shitty for me.

I place my forehead to the cold tiles of the shower wall, I just pray that Hope is safe and whatever the rogue queen has planned for me is not too painful. I am not afraid of death, I would just prefer it not hurt too much. After my shower I dry off and get dressed. Walking into the room I make my way to the bookshelves and pick out a historical biography and sit down on the bed to read. I am not sure when but at some point I fall asleep reading, my body finally giving in to exhaustion as I slip into nightmare filled dreams.

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