Mercy? I think not Lisa

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Once I hear the signal I quickly teleport into the castle. Using a piece of Rivers clothing we obtained during his first visit to the rogue pack I am able to teleport directly to his position.

River quickly turns around when he senses my arrival and I grin as he looks at me in shock. As expected Hope and River are in the same safe room. I cast a quick spell that knocks everyone in the room unconscious.

Grinning widely I proceed to teleport River, Hope and I to the meeting place just outside the main gates of the castle. I am waiting with the unconscious River and Hope when I spot her, Sam sees us and begins running quickly in my direction. I shoot her a sly smile as she gets closer and closer to me. Just before Sam slams into me I put up a protective barrier and Sam hits it full force, cracking her skull open in the process. I let down the barrier and approach her. I kick her harshly in the ribs as she desperately tries to clear the blood from her eyes that in pouring down from her fractured skull. Sam lands painfully on her side as I cast a spell and aim it at her. The spell makes it feel like your body is on fire without the actual fire damage. Sam is screaming in pain while I stand over her enjoying the view.

I hear the howls of pain coming from the royal pack and I know my queen will arrive soon. I look down at Sam and begin to speak, "would you like to beg me for mercy bitch?", I ask with venom in my voice.

Even in extreme pain she still manages to reply shortly, "fuck you cunt", slightly slurred most likely from brain damage.

I laugh, "so tell me beta, do you recognize me?"
I ask, amusement in my tone. She growls but says nothing else. I grin down at her, "funny that you don't remember me because I remember you clearly".

Perhaps a reminder I say while tapping my chin. "Oh it would have been what, 6 years ago... no 5 years ago. My twin sister accidentally crossed your territory line, she was 16 at the time. You killed her while she begged for mercy, does that ring a bell BETA BITCH", I scream at her while increasing the power of the spell. She screamed out in agony one more time before she passed out, damn, I forgot that werewolves can pass out from pain... oh well.

Out of the corner of my eye I see my queen approaching so I turn her direction. She nods and I turn to River and Hope, still unconscious on the ground.

I say a quick apology and kick River hard in the head. Palyaveya lumpatos teranoras seemoriana I chant and they both slowly start to wake. I quickly shake my potion over both of them and say unlojosha humahkolos gemenio and then I step aside. One of our warriors comes and grabs Hope taking off like a bolt of lightning towards our new pack house. The queen approaches as everyone else sets the stage.

River is slowing waking as the queen rushes to his side, worry on her face. "Oh my god are you okay?" she asks River.

He looks at her confused, looking around and asks, "where am I?"

The queen smiles at him sadly, "rogues were attacked by the royals, you were hit in the head really hard during the attack it seems". The queen gently touches his head wound and they both gasp. Looking at each other wide eyed I can't help but inwardly giggle at what a good actor my queen is. They both look deep into each other's eyes before My queen looks away nervously.

River looks around also seeing bodies and fighting all around them. She looks back to him with determination, "I am so glad I finally found you my mate but we need to go, the royals are viscously slaughtering any rogues they can find. I came to help however I can but we need to run" she says with panic in her voice.

River looks worriedly towards the castle gate, "I can't remember anything oh my god what if my sister was with me" he says with panic and fear rolling off him in waves.

My queen puts her hand gently on his shoulder, "wait", she says suddenly, "is she maybe 12 black hair, green eyes?", my queen asks.

"YES that's her, is she here?" River says while frantically looking around.

"It's okay, we found her earlier she is already on her way to our pack house", the queen lies easily.

River lets out and breath and stands to start running.

Suddenly Becca appears at the gate, looking at River in horror. Becca screams, "River!!!" The queen smirks evilly at Becca while moving River behind her to "protect him". Confusion covers Becca's face as Rivers eyes meet hers.

"We need to run now, that's the one that started the slaughter", my queen says while pointing at Becca. River breaks eye contact with Becca and starts running away with my queen. I love the heartbroken look of betrayal on Becca's face as she starts running after them.

I misjudged her speed and unfortunately had to put the barrier blocking spell too far forward, blocking myself from getting Sam. I curse under my breath but enjoy the look on Becca's face as she hits the invisible wall stopping her from getting to her now ex mate. I shoot her a sly smirk as I jump on the back of one of our now retreating warriors. That went well, I think to myself as we rush home.

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