I hate this woman Becca

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Things were going so well, River was a little nervous but Hope was so happy and everyone in the crowd was so excited to meet the future king! Everything was perfect, including Rivers behavior up until the attack started.

The first indication that something was going on was the yelling we heard from outside. I could tell by the voices and what they were saying that it was the royal packs warriors organizing forces against an attack.

I looked briefly at my father and saw his wolf had taken over and immediately mind linked Hopes security detail to take River and Hope to the safe room.

Once I knew my mate and sister in law were safe I shifted and ran towards the action. Not to brag or anything but I am a powerful wolf. My royal blood plus years of training make me stronger than 5 full grown male wolves.

I make my way to the battle, filled with rage at the audacity of whoever had the nerve to attack the royal pack. I started killing rogues indiscriminately, plowing through them like a hot knife through butter as I made my way to the center of the fighting.

While I was not 100 percent sure, I was pretty fucking confident that I knew who organized this attack, the rogue queen. Once I made may way to the center of the fight, looking around I saw no sign of the leader.

I focus on everyone's auras, searching for power but I only find my parents, meaning the rogue queen is not only a bitch but a coward. I huff in annoyance, what kind of queen sends her soldiers to war and hides away from the fight? What a joke.

I will give the rogue queen some credit as she did have a solid attack plan, it took us almost two hours to secure our territory, killing and capturing every rogue we came across.

After the battle I was exhausted, while I did not get severely injured I did use up a lot of energy fighting these disgusting bastards. Once we secured the territory I ordered 20 groups of 5 warriors each to search the entire territory and surrounding woods for any rogue stragglers. I also ordered some pack members to start cleaning the dead bodies and asked for a status reports on pack members missing, injured or dead. After giving out some more instructions I found my way to my parents.

My mom and dad we're outside the castle, speaking to Sam when I approached.

"What a bunch of dicks", I sigh while closing the gap between my parents and I.

My dad looks up to me and pulls me into a tight hug. "I'm so glad your okay baby", he coos.

I laugh, "are you kidding dad, it will take more than a few hundred rogues to take me down" I say smirking.

"Any idea how many we lost?" I ask, my mood turning somber.

"Not yet", my dad says "but we will have a full report in the next few hours".

My mom frowns while looking at me, "Becca babe, go get cleaned up, you are going to scare the hell out of your mate if he sees you all covered in blood".

I can't help but laugh, imagining Rivers scrunched up face seeing me all covered in blood. I take in a deep breath, "yeah your right, I am just going to mind link the warriors watching Hope and River to check on them and then I am going to take the hottest shower everrrr" I say. I mind link Garret, the lead warrior I left with Hope and River asking if they are okay. I waited for what felt like forever before I start to worry, Garret suddenly mind links me back, "umm your majesty I left them and went to the battlefield, I am with one of the teams sweeping the territory".

I freeze, I quickly mind linked back, "okay, so who is with River and Hope?", I question.

He hesitates, and then says, "I'm sorry your majesty but River told us you wanted us to bring him to Hopes room and then assist with the attack. We all left him with Hope in her room" he continues.

My heart sinks, Sam notices the look on my face and asks, "what's going on Bec?"

My face pales, I don't reply I just start running to Hopes room, praying that they did not try to run during an attack, especially an attack by the rogue queen.

As I approach the room, Sam and my parents right on my tail I already know, even before opening the door that they are not in her room. I open the door and double check just to make sure but as I already knew the room was empty.

I turn to my dad, "River convinced the warriors to leave them in Hopes room alone and help with the battle", I say. "We need to find them NOW!" I scream starting to panic.

My dad immediately mind links the entire pack telling them to look for Hope and River, I start following the now fading scent of my mate as it moves down the hallway and towards the back exit of the castle. My mind is spinning, fear and worry clouding my thoughts. I did not even realize that I was crying while following Rivers scent outside and towards the edge of the woods.

Sam places her hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently, "he is okay Bec, he is safe don't panic okay", she says while looking at me with a concerned expression.

I start to ball, sobbing uncontrollably, Sam pulls me close and rocks slightly back and forth. "Don't worry babe" Sam continues, "he is okay, we will find him. The entire pack is looking for him, he won't get far okay", Sam says smiling sadly down at me.

I close my eyes tight, take a deep breath and wipe my tears, clearing my throat, I stand up straight and smile warmly back at Sam.

"Your right Sam, I just got him, I wont lose him now, I can't". With new confidence, the confidence of a queen, I hold my head high and look towards the woods, determined to bring River and Hope home safe as I walk in, following my mates heavenly but faint scent into the dark, thick woods heading east towards neutral territory.

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