Wait, what? River

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I am in my dads house, it's dim, like all of the lights are out but no matter what I do I can't get any of the lights to turn on.

I hear my dad yelling at Hope, the sound of fists hitting something hard and Hopes cries for help.

I run as fast as I can towards the sound but every time I get close they move to another area of the house.

I am crying and begging my dad to stop when I finally find them in the living room. It's dark but I can see that my dad is covered in blood. My dad is on his knees gasping for air, a small body on the floor beside him. It only takes me a moment to realize that it's Hope laying on the floor in front of him.

I run to her pulling her now cold body up to my chest, looking at her face, her eyes are wide open, lifeless, her face frozen in fear. I begin to rock back and forth with her, begging her to wake up when suddenly my mother appears.

My mom is looking at me with disgust and anger. Mom starts yelling at me, asking me why I broke my promise, how could I fail to protect my sister, I try desperately to explain that I tried to save her but my mom won't listen.

Suddenly my father is standing next to my mother and they are both looking down at me with evil grins. My father says to my mother, "look babe, I told you he was nothing but a filthy rogue". I scream at him, asking "why, why would you hurt Hope?", but he just laughs while I sit holding her lifeless body, crying uncontrollably I watch my parents start to walk towards me....

I suddenly shoot up, looking around I realize it was just a nightmare. Tears and sweat cover my face and body as I work to calm my breathing.

My hands are shaking and my mind is reeling when I suddenly feel warm arms snake around me from behind. I freeze as I am pulled into a tight hug, unable to see who it is that is behind me.

I feel lips on my ear as the person whispers, "poor boy, what a sad life you have had, don't you worry, I will keep you safe from now on".

I jump out of bed and turn around to see who this mystery person is. I am shocked when I realize it's the rogue queen, she is sitting up with a sad look on her face, wearing a tiny tank top and short, shorts.

I must look as shocked as I feel because she begins to giggle. "Oh babe", she says, "don't look so surprised, your nightmare woke me up". I am so shocked by everything that I don't realize until just now that I am completely naked again. I blush uncontrollably and use my hands to cover my manhood.

The queen grins, and says, "oh babe no need to hid yourself from me, I have explored every inch of your body already, and let me tell you", she winks, you have nothing to be ashamed of love.

I am taken aback suddenly feeling very exposed. I start taking small steps backwards as the queen moves herself off the bed and stalks towards me.

I am confused, freaked out and I feel violated, I am shaking slightly from fear and adrenaline as I hit the wall with my back. I am now staring at her, wide eyed, looking like a trapped animal, as she seductively closes the gap between us. She is directly in front of me now, smirking as she brings her hand to my face. She runs her fingers along my jaw line, down my neck and over my abs.

Leaning closer she brings her lips to mine, she is so close that when she speaks I can feel her lips moving over mine, "the only thing I need to change about you" she says, "is that hideous mark your ex mate left on your skin".

I hold my breath, not sure what to do but feeling like I should just stay completely still.

She smiles widely against my lips and puts one hand through my hair, grabbing a large patch of my hair and using that to turn my head so she can have a better look at my mark.

She leans down and uses her teeth to graze over my mark, sending bolts of pleasure across my body covering my chest and back in goosebumps.

"My, my" she says, "aren't you a sensitive one....this is going to be so much more fun than I originally hoped" she chirps.

I let out a breath, hesitate momentarily and then build up the courage to speak, "w-wh-what are you going to do to me?" I ask with fear evident in my voice.

She laughs and pulls my head so I am looking directly into her eyes. "Do you know what happened to my true mate River?" she asks.

I slowly shake my head no, honestly I have only ever heard that we had a rogue queen and not to mess with her, nothing else.

The queen smiles sadly and the begins her story. "I met my mate on my 18th birthday, he was handsome, a rogue like me, strong, everything I had hoped for I a mate. We had only known each other for a week when I found out that he was planning on turning me in to the royal pack for some reward. Can you believe that someone would betray their mate for 20k?" she asks in disgust. "Well, my dick of a mate had every intention of betraying me for such a small sum of money, it was heartbreaking. After discovering his plan, I came up with a plan of my own", she says with an evil smile plastered on her face. "I let him believe he had gotten away with his betrayal all the way up to the royal pack line. As soon as he pushed me over the territory line, my men jumped out, killed the royal guards and dragged my shocked mate back to my pack house".

"You see" she continues, "I did not show my mate my true strength, I had just met him and thankfully I did not trust him yet. If he had just stayed loyal he would have found that I am rich beyond imagine, 20k is nothing to me, I spend that in 3 minutes on Amazon. But alas, my stupid mate had not earned my trust enough to know that information yet".

"So once I got him back to the pack house I had him brought down to the dungeon, where I .....made him realize the error of his ways" she says smiling like she is recalling a sweet memory.

I am looking at her, wide eyed, part of me feels sorry for her mates betrayal, the larger part of me is terrified by her response to it.

She shakes her head slightly as if erasing the bad memory as she looks back at me, "and that my dear River is where you come in".

"Uh, what?" Is my short reply.

She shoots me a gentle smile and explains, "well baby boy, every queen needs a king, I unfortunately was gifted a turd as a mate so I need to outsource the job, which is where you come in handsome".

"Uh, w-what?", I stutter, "we uh w-we, umm, we are not mates though?" I say genuinely confused.

The queens laughter fills the room and she pulls my head down so she can whisper in my ear, "we aren't mates YET, but I have a friend who is making her way here now who can take that hideous mark off your neck and make us true mates" she says.

I must look like I am going to vomit because she gently runs her fingers through my hair, while gently pulling my chin to move my face towards hers and she sweetly says, "don't be scared, it won't hurt a bit" before placing a tender one sided kiss on my lips and walking out the bedroom door, locking it behind her.

I am left, looking blankly forward, while our last conversation runs over and over again in my mind.

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