River POV

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My wolf Dev has been on edge all day. Today is my 18th birthday and I am finally getting Hope and I the hell out of here.

"What is your deal Dev?" I asked my wolf as we entered school for the last time. I have worked my ass off to graduate early so as soon as I hit 18 I could run.

"I am not sure River", Dev says, "something feels off, like something bad is going to happen".

I chuckled and told him to chill, it's most likely that today is the day we have been planning for years! I walked into the office to speak to the principal.

Principal Smith is not a wolf but he is an amazing person , "hello sir, I am here to get my transcripts", I say.

"Of course River here they are, you will need to speak to each of your teachers before you go and we will miss you, I really hope you like your new home" Mr Smith says with a small smile.

I told the school administrators that we were moving for my dads job. I have not told my classmates, taking extra care to not let any wolves know, I don't need any extra attention while I try to sneak a minor over state lines without my dad finding out.

I can run in wolf form but my sister has not shifted yet so I need to take a train to get to Illinois then drive to Michigan. I found a small town, human only, that we can settle in once we make our great escape.

"Thank you sir for everything, it has been a pleasure" I say as I gather the papers and head off to my first class.

Last nights beating was a bad one, my nose is still healing and I have several broken ribs from dear old dad. I walked slowly to my first class and just planned my day over and over making sure everything will go perfectly. The day went by quickly with my wolf making me more and more uneasy the closer we got to the end of the day.

I am standing by my locker gathering the last of my belongings when I smell it, the smell reminds me of my life before my mom died, the last time I was truly at peace.

I closed my eyes tight, I know, I know what that smell means , my mate. I take a deep breath, close my locker and look directly into my mates eyes. I am shocked, future queen Becca is looking back at me, the woman who made my school life hell, the woman that hates me for no other reason than I am not in a pack.

It only takes a moment for Becca's shocked expression to turn to hatred. The realization hits me like a truck, my mate hates me. My wolf was howling in pain in my mind, while I try to maintain a neutral expression. She may hate me, reject me, never want to see me again but she can't be my priority, I have to save my sister.

Becca's groupies are behind her, laughing, I look to them quickly and then back to her. I can feel the hate and dominance rolling off of her, even though as a rogue she is not my queen her dominance still effects my wolf and it takes an enormous amount of effort for me not to submit. I will not submit to her, not this time. I am leaving this hell hole and I will not let her tear me down again.

When she starts speaking I already know what is coming. Her rejection comes out strong, no indication that she feels anything other than pure hatred for me, while it hurts me beyond any beating I had ever experienced I keep a cold facade.

I accept her rejection with as much dignity as I can muster and hurry off to finish my preparations. I will not, can not allow her to break me.

As I walk to my secret hideout to gather the supplies I had stockpiled for our escape the interaction plays back over and over in my mind. Becca brought an audience to my rejection, for what? To rub salt in the wound? To rub it in that I was nothing to her? My anger and sadness would have to wait, I have shit to do, and with that in mind I pack up the supplies I have stored away and head to the bank to get my money.

This entire process is taking longer than I had anticipated, most likely slowed down by my heartbroken wolf. I have 2 hours before Hope is done with ice skating, I need to get to the train station and buy our tickets so I can pick her up and be on the train before my drunk ass dad knows we are gone.

As I walk to the train station I feel like I am being watched. Its not just a one time feeling, I caught several wolves from the royal pack looking at me. What the hell man, did she make some announcement that she rejected me? Whatever I can't overthink it, I need to move.

Walking into the train station my heart was beating at a crazy fast pace, approaching the ticket window I immediately know the teller was a royal wolf pack member. My stomach is in knots as I request the tickets for my sister and I. I know something is wrong by the way she looks at me.

"Mr Collins I can't sell you a ticket for Hope unless you have documentation that you are her legal guardian" the teller says.

Fuck, fuck, fuck "umm well you see we are just going on vacation is that really necessary?" I ask.

"Yes sir, my hands are tied it's policy", the teller says with a nervous smile.

Something is off, I can feel it, I asked several times before and was told for a vacation I did not need extra paperwork, fuck.

As I walk away my stomach is in knots, what the fuck am I going to do now? My wolf finally chimes in " River, what about that guy Gus?" Oh thank you dude! Gus is a rogue in my school who deals with all kinds of illegal shit, main specialties fake IDs for the kids that want to drink.

It's going to cost a little extra money but he can help, I am sure of it. Gus has a little knowledge of what my life is like, we used to be friends in jr high. One day after a really bad beating from my ex mate/queen he helped me wrap my ribs. Gus saw the scars and knew without me saying a word what was going on at home. We may not be close but he will help. This whole thing just caused a delay in our escape but it won't stop me, I will keep my baby sister safe.

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