River's grand plan

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I pick Hope up from ice skating trying to keep myself calm so I don't upset her.

"Hey bug", I greet Hope as she walks towards me, "we have a slight delay in our master plan sis".

Hope frowns but I quickly fill her in on the delay and solution.

"Do you think this Gus guy will be able to come through?" she asks.

I think for a moment before replying, "I do baby sis, we may have to stay another week or so but I will get us out of here no matter what".

Hope looked down to the ground, sadness filling her eyes, "I don't want you to get hurt anymore" she says with tear filled eyes.

I picked her up and gave her a big hug, "listen bug, I will get us away from him soon no matter what it takes, I promise you".

Hope smiled up at me but I could see she was still sad and worried. "What if dad finds out she whispers?"

"Hey bug, don't you even think or worry about him, I have dealt with him for years I can handle a few more days" I say smiling at her. "I will do whatever needs to be done to keep you safe little one, now and always".

Hope seems to calm down a little but we both know what's coming when we get home tonight. The only nights I don't get the shit kicked out of me are nights that he is too drunk to walk, most of the time he gets to that point only after beating me to a pulp. I know Hope is aware that I am taking "her beatings" and it eats her up inside.

I look at her directly in the eyes and tell her it will be okay, "you know sis my wolf has super powers, I hardly feel the hits these days" I say smiling.

She smiles sadly, getting too old to buy my lies but still acting brave.

"Are you hungry, how about pizza tonight?" I ask.

"Pizza sounds great" Hope replies excitedly!

We find a small restaurant on neutral territory and eat until close to 9.

Time to head home unfortunately, "a few more beatings and we are out of here" my wolf says and I can't help but nod my head with  new found confidence and determination.

Right when I walk in the door I get smacked with a bat in the ribs.

"Where are you hiding that monster?" my father screeches!

I keep Hope hidden in a tree fort I made years back until my dad passes out each night. I fall to the ground with a thud but don't say a word. After what feels like hours my dad gives up on beating me and goes back to drinking. At around 11:30pm he has passed out and I go to get my baby sister.

"Was it bad?" Hope whispers as we walk home.

"Not bad at all today sweetie, he was really drunk when I got home" I lie.

She smiles weakly as we walk in comfortable silence back to the hell we call home.

When my alarm wakes me I jump out of bed, rush to get ready and get Hope and myself out the door before my dad wakes for his morning beer.

After dropping Hope off at school I make my way to my school with one thing on my mind, Gus. I walk around for a while checking all of the normal hiding places Gus likes to frequent. It took until lunch time to find him hanging out in the abandoned section of the school.

"Hey Gus, long time no talk man" I say as I approached him. "I have a job for you that I need done ASAP" I say sitting down next to him.

Gus looks up at me and smiles, "finally leaving?" he asks.

"Hell yes I reply, but I need some documentation in order to bounce". I explain to Gus what I need and he tells me it will be $500 bucks for a "rush job" . While I am less than happy to lose the extra cash I agree and he told me he will call when it's ready.

I still feel eyes on me constantly and it's making me paranoid, thankfully I don't technically need to be in school right now so I leave right after talking to Gus. I find my way to the small forest area on neutral ground, strip and go for a run.

Being a rogue I have to be careful not to pass over into royal territory, the laws are simple if a rogue passes the territory line they belong to the pack. Most of the time rogues that trespass are killed immediately but I have also heard stories of packs experimenting, torturing and humiliating rogues that make the mistake of trespassing. It feels amazing to be able to let loose and run in my wolf form, I never have time to do it with the jobs, school and keeping Hope safe.

The day goes by super quick and I make my way to Hopes school to pick her up.

"Hey Hope" I call out as she walks towards me.

"Hey bro how did it go today?" she asks. "All is good" I reply shortly, with all the wolves in town you never know who is listening in.

We enjoy our day together and make our way home for another repeat of last nights events.

After everything is done and quiet I allow myself to finally feel the pressure of everything going on, running away, being an adult with responsibilities, being truly alone and being rejected. Everything has piled up and I feel the tears silently falling as I drift off to nightmare filled sleep.

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