Becca's Story

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Being born the princess of the werewolf world has its perks. I have an amazing family, great friends and anything I could ever want and need.

Of course it's not all fun and games, my life revolves around school and training. I will not be going to college as once I graduate high school I will be groomed to take over as the queen.

I am forever thankful that I was born into an era of equality. I will take the thrown even if I have not yet found  my mate as men and women are equal in our society.

My pack, the royal pack has just over 50,000 members across the world. The role of the royal pack is to maintain peace between packs and other supernatural creatures.

I am turning 18 tomorrow, I have blond hair and blue eyes, a typical female werewolf body (aka super model hot) I am toned from hours and hours of training and I can singlehandedly kill 20 rogues if needed.

Rogues are lawless wolfs that hate to submit and for the most part are criminals who can't survive in a civilized society.

The royal pack is located near neutral grounds so unfortunately I have to deal with rogues in my school. We only have 7 non pack member wolves (rogues) in our school currently. When I was younger I hated that I had to share my school with garbage people but as I got older and my parents trained me on how to be a good queen I realized that I could not dwell on the few unsavory members of my school.

I used to bully any rogue I came across but now I just pretend they do not exist. At times I do feel bad about how I treated one rogue named River, I was especially hard on him because I had a major crush on him. River is quiet, seems sweet and is HOT! Raven black hair, green eyes and a killer body but a rogue none the less. Part of my hatred of him came from feeling like he has life so easy, no rules, no training just enjoying life everyday with no responsibilities.

While I do feel bad every once in a while I will never apologize, I am a queen and queens do not say sorry to rogues, he should be greatful that I did not kill him (which I could have as in our society rogues are less valuable than animals).

I am excited to turn 18, first I have a chance to meet my mate and second I am having a giant party. Anyone who is anyone will be at my party in hopes that I find my mate and to celebrate the future queen. I can't wait to find my mate. My parents are true mates and every day I see the love they have for one another. I hope my mate is strong and comes from a strong bloodline so we can have the strongest pups in the kingdom. 

I have a beta named Samantha, she has brown hair, brown eyes and a killer body. She has not found her mate yet because she is also 17. Sam is strong, smart and scary as hell. Sometimes I feel like she is so much older than me, she is so wise and a perfect beta. Sam and I are about to go shopping for my birthday dress, I have every intention of being the best looking person at this party!

"Sam, get in the car we are burning daylight", I scream up the stairs. Sam came running down and we jump in one of the newer, nicer cars the pack has. As the royal pack we have more money than we could ever spend. I won't have to run any family businesses because the kingdom has enough qualified pack members to deal with brining in income. My job is to keep peace and deal with any threats that arise.

Currently the only major threat to us is the "rogue queen" which I think is a joke. She is some crazy bitch who wants to take over the royal pack and has been gathering support among rogues for years. Not much is known about her, not even her real name. She attacks weaker packs and disappears before the royal pack can kill her off. From what I do know she is a real bitch, she is younger, 18-22 and no longer has a mate. The rumor is that the rogue queens mate betrayed her shortly after they met, attempting to turn her in to our pack for the reward. The story goes that she found out about his plan and slowly and painfully cut him up piece by piece allowing him to heal over and over until eventually his body gave out and he died. If this is true she is the definition of evil, to be able to kill your own mate is unheard of.

I have over heard my parents talking about a mole in her ranks but it is so confidential that even I don't know the details. Right now this self proclaimed queen is not my problem because she is not strong enough to go against our pack but if the rumors are true she is working on getting to that point soon.

Sam and I found the perfect dress for my party and now I am off to bed, tomorrow is my birthday and a school day so I need my beauty sleep.

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