I am going to kill him slowly Becca

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Walking into my room...our room I see my mate laying unconscious on our bed. I smile, taking in the amazing sight.

I walk towards him, slowly sitting on the side of the bed. I take a moment to really appreciate Rivers features. Strong jawline, amazing kissable lips, long eyelashes. Rivers black hair is hanging down over his forehead slightly over his eyes so I take a moment to swipe it back into place. His hair looks as if he just had a really rough night sleep, no doubt messed up from all of the struggling he did not 20 minutes ago.

"Our mate is fucking sexy" my wolf pipes in and I can't help but agree.

I run my fingers down his face, enjoying the tingles I feel from the mate bond. I slowly crawl on top of him straddling him while I grab the bottom of his shirt to pull it off over his head. Once Rivers shirt is off I can see the damage years of abuse has done to his beautiful chest.

The main thing that draws my attention is the 24 inch slash across his chest. I can tell from years of torturing rogues that the cut was made with silver, the slight burn marks along the outside of the of the cut a dead giveaway.

I walk to the bathroom and grab a first aid kit. After cleaning and dressing the wound I take my time examining the rest of his chest. My mark has healed wonderfully, perfectly placed to show the world that he is mine. River has some very sexy muscles, a nice 6 pack and in the places without scares his skin is smooth and pale. While a little skinny River has the perfect v line disappearing under his jeans, tempting me to look further down but deciding to wait I continue with his chest. I take my time running my fingers over each scar, hundreds litter his upper body, all at different stages of healing. Once I fully explore his chest I gently turn his body so I can have a full view of his back.

His back, just like his chest, has more scars than I can count, I also see large angry bruises littered across his ribs and back. I find some cream and rub down his entire back.

Once done I unbuckle his belt and remove his pants and boxers. Holy hell the moon goddess must love me. I just stand over him raking my eyes over his naked body over and over.

I finally snap out of it and get to work treating his wounds. Both legs are littered with scars and bruises. The main injuries I see are two stab wounds, one in each leg, both made with silver. I take my time cleaning, disinfecting and bandaging the wounds. Once the stab wounds are cleaned up I rub cream over his bruised legs and feet.

Once done I spend a few more minutes soaking in the view of my incredibly handsome mate. I eventually reluctantly decide to get him dressed in a pair of silk boxers and silk pajama pants.

I cant help but skip dressing him in a shirt, smiling down at him I decide he looks better at least partially naked. If I did not think he would flip I would have kept him entirely naked but I am sure he is going to be pissed when he wakes so I won't add too much fuel to that fire.

Once I am finally done I kiss River on the lips and cover him up with our warm blanket. I mind link Sam to have guards stand outside the bedroom door and ask her to meet me in my parents office. Sam, replies back quickly and I make my way to my dads office.

"Hi daddy", I chirp as I plop down on the couch, "I heard Hope gave you a hard time" I say laughing.

My dad looks up to me and grins, "if that mate of yours has half the fire that little girl has we will be unstoppable", he laughs. My dad suddenly has a very serious expression, "your mate did a wonderful job raising that little girl, I am proud of him and I have not even met him yet".

I smile warmly thinking back to the times I have seen them together, "River really is an amazing guy" I say.

My mom pipes in, "we gave Hope a room and sent some of the pack kids that go to school with her over to visit. She currently has 4 guards watching after her, lead by Garret".

"Thanks mom" I say, "I really hope she adjusts okay to the new environment".

My dad speaks up, "River will be a major part of whether or not she adjusts, if River tells her she is safe she will do just fine. Remember Becca it has been those two against the world for her entire life, she only truly trusts him", he says.

I nod my head in agreement. Sam knocks on the door and walks in, "well hello royal family she greets".

"Hi honey", my mother replies "how are things on your end?"

"Everything is good" Sam replies. "The enforcers just updated and that poor excuse for a dad and wolf will be in custody soon".

I can't help but growl at the thought of Rivers so called father, without realizing it my dominance seeps out and overtakes everyone in the room.

"Whoa girl chill" my dad manages to say, looking up I see everyone submitting, baring their necks to me. I instantly pull in my dominance and apologize, "I am so sorry I am just so angry at that man" I say while pounding my fist down on the table. The table snaps in half and I flinch shooting my eyes up to my dad and apologize yet again, "sorry dad" I say with a frown.

My dad laughs, "it's okay sweetheart, if someone had hurt your mother like that I would be just as bad. Your dominance is much stronger now that you have marked your mate sweetie" my dad continues, "imagine how much stronger you will be once fully mated!"

I smile wide, "trust me dad I am just as excited to finish the mating process, just not for the same reason" I say winking. Everyone laughs and we continue discussing next steps on Hope, River, the announcement at my birthday party and the slow painful death that is coming to the worst father in the world.

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