Why? River

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Sitting at the table in Becca's room I can't seem to calm my nerves as I wait for her to show up. I knew she would come, obviously but Jake telling me that she was coming for dinner just made it real.

I don't know how to feel or what to think, how can we sit and have dinner together after everything, how can I look at her and have a normal conversation after what I learned today.

Becca is going to use magic to remove my memories, undoing the evil she has done to me and on top of that the things Jake told me she did to her pack....I am just lost. Do I act normal and hope that she will reconsider her decision, and if she does reconsider what do I do then, I don't want to stay but what about the royal pack? I can't leave them knowing she may hurt innocent people.

"What do you think?" I ask my wolf. He whimpers in my mind, the same whimpers I have been hearing for days. I feel so bad for him, this has to be hard on him knowing his mate has done such horrible things. "It's not that" he whispers, "I miss Rose", he says so quietly I can hardly hear him. I shook my head, confused by that response, "do you love her?", I ask. "I do" is all he says as he retreats back into my mind.

I just stare off as I wrap my head around this, he should love Becca more than anything but here he is in love with someone who is not his mate.....I am so lost.

I put my elbows on the table and cover my face with my hands. I sit like that for a long time, just thinking and before I know it I hear Becca outside the door.

My heart is pounding in my chest and I can feel the fear rushing through my body. Becca slowly walks in and gives me a small smile. "Hi"
she breaths out, "I have missed you" she says in a very sweet voice. I don't know what to say so I just look at her, desperately trying to calm my raging heart. "I have dinner coming for us", she says in an upbeat tone, "I thought it would do us some good to spend some time together", she continues. I nod, moving away from her slightly. She frowns at me and makes her way to the table, "River...please come sit", she says while waving her hand to the seat next to her. I hesitate momentarily but make my way to the seat farthest from her and sit down. For a moment I can see the displeasure on her face but she masks it quickly.

I look down to my lap, not sure what to say but thankfully the moment is interrupted by the chef coming in with food. The plates are put in front of each of us without a word and the chef exits as quickly as she entered.

"How are you holding up?" Becca asks me. I close my eyes lightly and take a deep breath, "I guess I am as good as can be expected", was my short reply. Becca reaches across the table and squeezes my hand gently, "it will get better I promise", she says trying to comfort me.

That does not comfort me at all, in fact it pisses me off. "How, how will this get better?", I ask, the anger taking over my original keep cool game plan. She smiles sadly, "you won't remember any of this babe", she says quietly. My eyebrows scrunch together, "and why is that exactly?", I ask, already knowing the answer. Becca takes a deep breath, "I have a witch who is going to take away your memories, everything from the rejection forward", she says cautiously, not sure on how I will react. My hands are balled into fists now, "how is that okay?", I snap at her, "you can't just do something bad and erase it!" She frowns at me, "it is what must happen River", she says again trying to justify her actions. "No....no" I say while standing up, "what should have happened was you treating me like a mate and not like I am less than a person, nothing that happened from the rejection on should have ever happened" I snapped. "This is not a game Becca, I am not an object, you don't own me" I say with venom in my voice.

She just sits, looking at me with sad eyes. After what feels like forever she finally speaks, "I know River, okay, I know I fucked up but this is the only way to make this better". I look at her like she has grown 3 heads, "that's not true, you could let me leave, that would make it better", I snap. As soon as the words leave my mouth I know I fucked up, I can feel her anger filling the room and her eyes turn pitch black.

"Why little mate" her wolfs deep voice asks, "do you want to run off and be with that rogue bitch?" she snaps. I am frozen in place, wide eyed looking at her, not wanting to do anything to make it worse. She laughs and looks me right in the eyes, "you are MINE and you will NEVER see her again" she says in a deadly calm voice. I start backing away, my instincts are screaming for me to run away from the treat in front of me but it was no use. I managed to step back about 3 paces before she jumped up and landed directly in front of me. She stares at me, black eyes and smirking, "you are my mate, you belong to ME" she continues.

Becca slowly moves her hands towards me and I can't help but flinch, she hesitates for a moment before her fingers tangle into my hair and she pulls my face towards hers. She brings her lips to my ear and whispers again, "don't worry baby, I have an entire week to remind you who you belong to".

Suddenly I am turned around, Becca is behind me and holding both my hands behind my back with one of hers. She pushes me with ease over to the bed as I struggle desperately to escape her grasp. She pushes me down on the bed, stomach down and leans into me nibbling on my ear while whispering, "an entire week baby"she purrs again.

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