The beginning of the end River

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My eyes scan quickly over the large panic room filled with hundreds of people. It's absolute chaos as everyone frantically moves about. Some people are screaming for missing loved ones while others are crying and trying to find a safe place to hide away. My heart sinks as my eyes scan the room for a fourth time, Hope is not here. My adrenaline pumps as I rush back towards the main part of the castle, I sure as hell am not going to sit around while Hope is missing and Rose is fighting.

I push my way through the crowded halls as hundreds of royal pack members rush to where ever it is they are going. I keep my eyes peeled for Hope but as I approach the front doors I have still not seen her. I pick up my pace and I exit the castle, the sight in front of me is unlike anything I have ever seen. Magic casters are throwing glowing blue fireballs into the royal pack warriors as wolves viscously attack each other, the smell of burning and blood adds to the sickening sight. I force myself to move forward, my sense  of smell is of no use as the smoke burns my nose and eyes.

I dodge a few wolves as they fight but otherwise everyone seems too distracted to notice me. It is madness out here, I can't tell who the enemy is, my mind is overrun with the chaos, it's like a war scene in a movie except I know people I care about are at risk, I have a feeling Becca is somehow involved but I don't know for sure who it is that's attacking my family, my pack. The balls of fire suddenly stop, an eerie silence falls over the battlefield before an evil laugh carries through the crowd.

My eyes land on a large clearing, the witch queen is standing on the ground, her hands raised as if holding an invisible item. I follow the direction of her outstretched hands, Lisa is hanging about 20 feet in the air grabbing at her neck as if someone is chocking her. My heart sinks, it takes just a moment for my mind to register that the witch queen is using her magic to strangle Lisa. My eyes quickly dart around the crowd, it looks like everyone is frozen watching Lisa slowly die aside from Rose, Rose is in a separate circle fighting off two large wolves. I instantly recognize these wolves, Rose is fighting Becca and Sam.

My eyes meet Rose's for a split second, I can see her panic knowing she is unable to help her best friend. A new wave of determination overtakes me as I snap out of my shock. I can't stand by and let the witch queen murder Lisa, even though I know I am no match for the queen I will still try, I have to try. I take one step towards the fighting witches before a blur of white draws my attention to the small wolf running full force towards the witch queen. Time slows to a halt as I watch my baby sister rushing towards one of the most powerful yet evil women I have ever met. My body acts on instinct as I shift and run full force towards my sisters small white wolf. I am willing to die to protect Lisa but I can't let my sister, I can't let Hope do this.

I know my body is pushing hard and fast towards Hope but time still seems to move in slow motion. I can see the grass pulling from the ground, flying behind each powerful step my sister takes, I can see the look of panic in Lisa's eyes as she begs silently for Hope to stop. I watch in horror as the witch queen's eyes drift towards Hope's charging wolf, a smug grin plays on her lips as one of her hands moves from holding Lisa in the air towards the small wolf coming towards her. My attention fixes on the witch queen, a small ball of fire forms in her free hand, the fire ball grows quickly as Hope closes the gap between them. A chill runs up my spine as I realize I am still too far away, my body still moving instinctively towards my baby sister but even though I am pushing as hard as I can, I am still too far away.

I can hear Rose cry out "STOP" but no one stops, the queen pulls her arm back and shoots the fireball towards Hope. I am so focused on the fireball that I miss the body in my path, my eyes transfixed the fireball as it rushes towards Hope with lethal accuracy. My body stumbles as I trip over the body, I lose sight of my sister as I tumble multiple times through the blood soaked grass. I skid to a stop, my heart pumping so hard that all I can hear is thumping in my own ears. The night sky glows blue as the fireballs makes contact with something or someone. I jump back to my feet, my body cries out in agony, apparently the fall causes some damage but my adrenaline allows me to keep moving.

My eyes dart to the place I last saw Hope, I see a large wolf laying on the ground, smoke billowing from its skin as a small white wolf wiggles underneath it. It takes just a moment for my mind to register what happened. My attention moves to the witch queen, she is staring at the wolf with wide fearful eyes. A deep mournful howl fills the silence around me as Sam rushes towards the witch queen. The queen just stares at Becca's wolf as it lays motionless on top of Hope. I snap out of my shock and run full force towards Hope and Becca.

I shift as my body skids to a stop in front of Becca's wolf. My hands frantically move through her fur as I try to locate her injuries. Becca's eyes meet mine, she looks so calm while I am panicking, I can feel tears pouring from my eyes as I watch my mate struggle to breath. Becca shifts suddenly, now in human form I can see how bad the damage is, her skin is charred but more than that the wound is deep, too deep. I frantically start looking for something to cover the wound, I need to stop the bleeding. Becca remains so calm, her eyes shine with love as they stay glued to my worried face.

"R-R-River, I'm so s-sorry" Becca puffs out, obviously having issues catching her breath. "I-I d-did not m-mean for, for H-Hope..." I shush her, she doesn't need to finishing that sentence, I know deep down in my heart Becca would never endanger Hope. "Shhh Becca, don't talk okay" I whisper as my tears continue to fall.

It feels like the entire world has disappeared around us, my shaking hands keep firmly pressed on the large wound on Becca's chest. Her blood rushes through my fingers as I try to keep up the pressure, my body burns as my heart breaks, my logical mind knows I am watching my mate die and it hurts more than I ever imagined it could. "Becca please fight, please be okay, it can't end like this please" I beg through my tears. This can't be the end, this can't be how her story ends.

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