Better than expected Becca

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Watching River sleep peacefully next to me I can't help feeling like everything will be okay. Hope is back safe, though I have her in Europe going to an all royal school now, she is still safe and sound. The rogue queen is dead thankfully, though I would have preferred to be able to torture her to death I guess beggars can't be choosers.

River and I will finally have a fresh start, no one trying to steal him away from me, no fear, no hate. The nice thing about this memory spell is River believes that I already apologized for everything that happened before we found out we were mates and he believes he forgave me already. We actually have a real chance at being the mates we were destined to be.

It has been a few days since River was discharged from the hospital and things are going really well. We sleep in the same bed together considering that's what I told him we have been doing up until his unfortunate memory loss but we have not been intimate yet. I will give him time to get more comfortable with the idea, no need to rush things this time. River is going to have his first call with Hope today which should go off without a hitch.

I had the witches cast the same spell on Hope and convinced her to keep her memory loss a secret from River so she does not worry him. Hope agreed easily with that suggestion as she just wants her brother happy and not worried about her. I used the same line on River and bam, no one is the wiser. These two really are amazing siblings, they love each other so much.

I will keep the call short and be in the room to do damage control on anything said that could raise suspicion.

Sam gave me a full recap of what happened when she attacked the rogue pack, while she was unable to recover the witch's body or the queens body she said she saw them dead. We have about 40 rogues in the dungeon from the attack, I will decide what to do with them later.

According to Sam most of the rogue queens forces were not at the pack house when they attacked but I am not concerned about them anymore because without a leader they will just move on and find someone else to bother. If they eventually get a new leader I will deal with it. Right now is about enjoying time with my mate, enjoying peace.

While River was recovering I executed his father, I decided that while I did enjoy torturing him it was not worth it to keep him alive. River is too forgiving and if he somehow found out about his father he may be upset with me. So his father is dead and buried. I told both Hope and River that there dad ran away when he found out that River was the king so I tied up that loose end.

River is slowly getting used to the idea of being king and has started helping with running the kingdom. We have fallen into a nice routine that I hope lasts forever, well aside from the lack of intimacy.

I have a wonderful dinner planned for us tonight so we can "get to know each other again" and hopefully he will get more comfortable around me.

Sometimes I catch River questioning things, little hints that if he investigates will lead him to the truth but I just start to cry about how sad I am that he does not remember and bam, he forgets all about it. If one day he does find out what I did I will just claim that something terrible happened to him and I had to erase his memory, by the time that happens we will be so happily mated that it won't matter anyway.

At dinner tonight I plan on bringing up the marking ceremony, I hope I don't scare him but I just can't wait for my mark to be back on his skin. Looking back I really should have marked him before taking his memories but I thought it would be more believable that we waited.

River and I are in our room getting ready for dinner. "So babe, what do you think?" I ask walking out of the bathroom in a short black dress that hugs my curves perfectly.

River smiles, a panty dropping sexy smile, "you look amazing Becca" he says sweetly. "Thanks babe" I chirp, "you look very handsome yourself" I say winking.

River and Hope speak for a short time, mostly Hope talking about all of her new royal friends and how happy she is at her new school. I watch them both closely and see no signs of either one doubting anything. River is so sweet and loving with her, I am so lucky to have him as my mate.

After the call we make our way to a very high end, wolf only restaurant on royal pack territory. We have a lovely dinner filled with laughter and sweet moments. As desert arrives I take a deep breath and smile, "so River I know things have been tough since you lost your memory but I want to discuss the marking ceremony", I say cautiously. "I know you don't remember this but before the attack we planned on having the ceremony next week, invitations are already out and all of the arrangements have been made, I am hoping you are still okay with having it" I say piling on the guilt trip hard.

River visibly gulps, "uhh umm I-I uhh, he stutters..."

I quickly interrupt, "I know it feels sudden but it's just the marking, we can wait for the full mating until your ready", I say trying to convince him. "It's just with all of the royals invited I don't want to seem rude canceling on such short notice, and I thought you would have your memory back by now but..."

River interrupts me, "no, no it's okay, we can move forward with the marking ceremony, it's okay" he says stopping my rambling.

I smile brightly at him, "thank you babe, I love you" I chirp honestly.

Rivers face turns 10 shades of red as he mumbles a quiet, "your welcome".

I can't help but smile the rest of the night, I will finally mark my mate the way it is meant to be done, I may have lied to persuade him but it is consensual, which is all I could ever hope for.

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