Part One- The first ending Rose

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Time seems to move in fast forward as Becca is carried towards the pack hospital. Sam holds her best friend tightly, everyone is moving on autopilot, desperate to get Becca much needed medical care. The doctors are waiting for us as soon as we arrive, it is total chaos around us but for some reason internally I am more calm than I have ever been. The doctors rush Becca into surgery while Sam, Lisa and I sit in the small waiting room in silence.

We sit together without saying a word for a long while, the shock of what has happened weighing heavy on all our hearts. Sam finally breaks the silence, her eyes still red and puffy from the emotional roller coaster we all just endured. "Thank you" she whispers so quietly I could hardly hear her. A weak smile spreads across my face, Lisa takes a deep breath before speaking "I still hate you but I will admit I hate you a little less now that you have killed my cunt of a mother" she says smirking. Sam let's out an exasperated laugh, "she really was a grade A bitch" Sam says with anger in her tone. I rub my face hard as I think back on the witch queen, she was a plague on this earth and now that she is gone the world will be a better place.

"I'm sorry Hope was almost hurt, Becca and I would never have put her at risk on purpose" Sam says, her words thick with regret. "I know" I whisper, Becca and Sam may suck but they would never hurt Hope, they would never sink that low. "Do we know the price yet?" Sam asks softly. Lisa shakes her head no, "only time will tell, it could be anything" Lisa says while holding her head in her hands.

Silence once again covers the waiting room as we all wait for the doctors to report on Becca's condition. It is almost two hours later when a very tired doctor enters the waiting room. He bows slightly in greeting before speaking "she will have a long road to recovery ahead of her but she will survive" he reports confidently. I can feel the relief washing over the room as we thank the doctor. Sam follows the doctor back to Becca's room while Lisa and I make our way back to the pack house, we still have a mess to deal with from the battle.

I left several generals in charge of cleanup and assessment so once back in my office I am given a full report. We have several injuries but thankfully no casualties from the royal pack. The witch kingdom is in chaos from the loss of the queen so I suspect Lisa will be returning home to put the pieces back together. It takes several hours for Lisa and I to sort out next steps and by the time we are done I am beyond exhausted. All I want to do is see River, I just want to be with the man I love, I know he needs me as much as I need him. Garret has been watching after River and Hope and thankfully they are both resting. I stretch my sore muscles before making my way back towards Rivers room, I need to see him, I need to make sure he knows Becca survived.

My mind wanders to the possible price Becca will pay for her survival. Perhaps she will lose her wolf? Perhaps she will lose her strength? With black magic you never really know how steep the price will be. I have seen women lose the ability to have children, I have seen spirit animals stripped from shifters, eye sight lost, it is always a hefty price but I suppose the price is worth a chance to live.

I am about 20 feet from Rivers room when the most intoxicating scent invades my nose. My entire body goes tense as my wolf howls in my mind. I know what this means, I have experienced this before, I have been blessed by the goddess with a second chance mate. My heart is pounding in my chest, excitement and crippling heartache course through me. I am desperate to find my second chance but also torn, I want my second chance but I love River. I close my eyes tightly while solidifying my resolve, yes I love River but I could never deny my mate. I hold my head up high as I track the amazing scent of my mate.

As I approach Rivers room the smell gets stronger, I try to control my expectations, I can't allow myself to get my hopes up. My hands are shaking as I slowly reach for the handle on the door, once I open this door everything will change. I open the door slowly and step inside, my eyes scan the room until they land on my second chance mate. I can't control myself as I launch towards my mate, my heart bursting with joy as I pull him into my arms.

Tears are falling freely from my eyes as Rivers tired eyes land on mine. I watch the wide range of emotions cover his expression, joy, confusion, sadness. I cup his face and smile, "hello mate" I whisper softly. I can see tears welling in his eyes as he pulls me into a bone crushing hug, his body shakes as a deep sad sobs escapes his lips. I rub his back gently before whispering "she survived". Rivers shocked eyes meet mine, I know he is confused on how this happened. I smile softly before kissing his forehead gently "she had to pay the ultimate price but she is alive" I explain calmly.

I watch as River takes a moment to understand what I said, a small sad smile rests on his face as his mind catches up with what has happened. His eyes eventually meet mine as his expression changes from sadness to joy, he smiles warmly before catching my lips in the most earth shattering kiss I have ever had. The entire world disappears as I melt into my amazing mates kiss, I can't help the immense happiness building inside me, I finally have my happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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