So this is happening Becca

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I wait less than patiently for Jake to report back to me on how River is taking things. I decided it would be best to give River a little time to adjust before I speak to him again. My stomach is in knots, dreading the inevitable tongue lashing I will receive from my super pissed off mate.

"I can think of one tongue lashing I would enjoy from him" my wolf adds, filling my mind with dirty images of my sexy mate and I in bed.

"Dammit, wolf stop that" I reply, trying to shake off the heat that is pooling in my core.

My wolf just laughs retreating back into my mind.

I pace around my office until I hear the light footsteps and smell the distinctive aroma of Jake coming towards my office. I quickly take a seat and compose myself before Jake knocks on the door.

"Enter", I calmly say as Jake enters my office, eyes glued to the floor. "Come Jake, sit I say, waving him over to the open seat in front of my desk". Jake sits, looking rather stiff. I look him up and down and say firmly, "report".

Jake takes a breath and replies, "hello my queen, our king has eaten and is currently showering".

"Hmmm" I reply, "and how was he this morning, please Jake speak bluntly I insist", I say while looking directly at him.

"Well umm your majesty", Jake replies, "he seems confused, angry and a bit scared to be honest".

I sigh, "did you have to force him to eat?" I ask

"Y-yes ma'am" Jake stutters, "just as you requested I told him I would be punished if he did not eat which did the trick rather nicely".

"Good" I breath out, I can't have River trying a hunger strike, this is bad enough without me having to force him to eat. "Anything else to report?" I ask Jake.

"N-no my queen", Jake says and I wave my hand to dismiss him. Jake quickly exits my office and I take a seat with my head in my hands. I take a deep breath and muster up some courage, okay Becca, time to face the music, I say in my mind, time to go speak to our mate and hopefully get forgiveness.

"Bah, forgiveness can come later" my wolf jumps in, "let's get laid", she says with what I can only imagine is a wolfish grin.

I can't help but laugh out loud in response to her very direct request. "Calm yourself wolfy, let's avoid rape if at all possible", I say.

My wolf just huffs in my mind, "do I need to remind you that he may not forgive us for years? I don't care if I have to take over, we will be fully mated before nightfall silly human" my wolf sneers before retreating back into my mind once again.

I hate to admit it but my wolf is right, after marking an alpha has to mate quickly otherwise our wolves take over and force us to complete the bond. While the idea of being able to blame my actions on my wolf does sound appealing, I know she will be less than gentle which is the last thing River needs right now.

With one last deep breath I reminded myself that this is bigger than just two mates, it's the future of the royal pack and all of the wolves that count on us for protection.

"Okay" I say out loud, "time to finish this mating process and let River know who the boss is in this mateship". With that I start making my way to our room, to my mate.

As I approach our bedroom door I see my two best warriors guarding the door. "Hello" I greet them cheerfully, "any issues?" I ask.

"No my queen" the first warrior replies, "not a peep the second warrior adds".

I smile slightly, of course they don't hear anything, I had my room soundproofed to ensure mine and my mates privacy especially during mating. A special spell, gifted to me by one of our most talented witches, I can hear what's going on outside but no sounds can be heard from inside the room.

"Thank you both, please give us some privacy", I say, "if you could each take posts at both ends of the hall that would be great".

Both warriors nod as the second warrior hands me the room key and walks away. I take a split second looking down at the handle before inserting the key and unlocking the door. After entering the room I take a moment to enjoy how strong my mates scent is before I look around to figure out where he is.

It only took a moment for me to realize he is still in the shower. A wave of desire courses through me settling in my stomach as images of a very sexy, wet River pop into my head. Damn he is naked, and wet just a few feet away. I can feel the excitement pooling in my core, undoubtedly filling the room with the scent of my arousal. I visibly shake as I start to walk towards the bathroom. I hesitate, clearing my mind, I need to make sure Sam's "items" are in place just in case I need them. I walk to the bed and open the night stand drawer, looking inside everything is in order. Next I look to the bed, tucked slightly under the mattress I find each restraint, one in each corner firmly connected to the head and foot boards of the king size bed.

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes tightly as images of River tied down naked, still wet from his shower pop into my mind. I quickly sit as my arousal spikes again. Holy hell, I am so close just from thinking about what I am about to do, I can't imagine how amazing it will be to actually have my mate.

The sound of the shower turning off pulls my attention back to the bathroom, I can hear River pulling open the showers sliding door and stepping out.

My mind is in overdrive thinking about what is about to happen. I hear Rivers footsteps approaching the bathroom door, I watch as the handle turns and the door slowly opens. My eyes are glued to the door as River steps out, wearing only a towel low on his hips, his hair still dripping wet, his eyes quickly landing on me, sitting on our bed, right next to the clean clothes the omega had set out for him.

River quickly freezes, realizing the compromising position he is currently in, while I smirk at the sight of my sexy mate, almost completely naked with wide eyes looking directly at me, a shocked expression etched all over his beautiful face.

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