Becca's grand plan

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"Okay, spill it Gus", Sam says after we shake on our little exchange of information agreement.

"Well" Gus starts off, "I guess I will start from the beginning. Rivers mom died giving birth to his little sister Hope. The dad lost his shit when his mate died, blamed Hope and River has spent his entire life from like age 6 to now being a human shield in order to protect his little sister. I don't know how bad it is now but when I did see the scars on his body they were bad, like the most fucked up thing I have ever seen bad".

My heart is breaking with each word Gus is saying but he just keeps on going.

"River has been working odd jobs for years to save up and run away with Hope. From what I understand" Gus continues, "when River went to get the train tickets some by the book bitch refused to sell him a ticket for Hope because he is not her legal guardian. River came to me to ask for some forged documents showing him as her guardian so he can buy the tickets and leave town forever. Obviously", Gus continues, "he can't exactly ask his abusive father to give him permission to take her so it's on the down low. I agreed to take the job and told him I would have the documentation in a few days".

I am just staring at him in shock, how have I known River for years without knowing he was being abused. My wolf pipes in to twist the knife reminding me about all of the times I beat him, most likely adding injuries on top of the injuries his father inflicted.

Sam notices the look on my face and mind links me "don't dwell on the past Becca, just spend the rest of your life making sure he is never hurt again".

I smiled at her and linked her back "thanks Sam, I will never let anyone hurt him again".

I looked up to Gus and say, "tomorrow night you call him and tell him you have the documentation and that he needs to meet you at that Italian restaurant on my territory".

Gus laughs, "he will never fall for that queeny, rogues know to never cross onto your territory, best I can do is ask him to meet near your territory but you will have to make it worth it for me".

I glare at him, wow he really is a jerk, "fine 10 grand upon delivery" I say annoyed.

"Deal" Gus says "but first you need to pay for the info I just provided".

I shoot him the fakest smile I can muster and say, "rumors are true, we are mates".

Gus looks at me, surprise showing through his eyes...... "and?" he says.

"I did reject him but I have taken it back" I say, "we will be announcing our mating at my party this Saturday".

Gus looks at me, confused and finally asks, "wait if you took back your rejection why does he still need those documents and why do you need me to trick him into being near your territory?"

I look him right in the eyes, smile and say "simple, River does not know that I have accepted him yet".

Gus laughs, a real hard laugh and says, "why not tell him now rather than going through all this spy shit?"

I grin and say, "that information my dear rogue is not part of our deal. Get him near my territory on time, do not disappoint me Gus, you won't like the consequences" and with that Sam and I turn and walk away.

Once Sam and I are alone she stops walking and looks at me, "Becca what is with asking Gus to bring River near our territory?"

I shoot her a mischievous smile, "it's my backup plan, he is no longer in school so if I can't find him to talk to him I need a plan to make sure he does not jump town before I can take back my rejection".

Sam grins widely and says, "and if he refuses to listen he will be close enough to royal territory that you can drag him over the boarder and make him listen?"

I laugh, "wow Sam you really know me too well".

Sam and I finish planning our mission impossible/kidnapping plan during the rest of the school day and head home to fill in the king and queen on the game plan. As expected my dad is all in but my mom is a bit hesitant after I fill them in on everything I learned today.

My mom pipes in, "you will need to secure his sister at the same time, not only do you need to keep her safe but you can use her to persuade River to be more cooperative if it comes down to it".

My dad starts laughing and looks lovingly to his mate, "darling he says, you are an amazing queen maybe a little evil as well".

After hours of expanding on the River plan and figuring out what to do with Hope we finally have a full proof plan in place and now we just have to wait. I crawl into bed and fall asleep thinking about finally having my mate, the boy I have had a crush on for years, in my arms one way or the other.

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