Wait why? River

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I feel myself slowing waking up, warm and comfortable but with an odd beeping sound annoying me. I open my eyes and quickly close them as blinding lights give me an instant headache.

I groan painfully and try to bring my hand to my eyes. Key word try... my eyes shoot open as I try to identify what is holding my hand in place. My heart sinks as I see queen Rebecca laying next to me, her head resting on my chest and my arms secured to either side of a hospital bed with thick white straps.

Queen Rebecca lifts her head from my chest and smiles warmly at me with tired eyes. "Your awake" she says sounding happy? Fear takes over as my body begins to tremble uncontrollably. Queen Rebecca frowns and places her hand on my chest, rubbing small circles and asks, "how are you feeling?"

I am frozen, my mind is racing and I can hear the heart monitor reflect how panicked I am at the moment.

A man, I am assuming is a doctor rushes in and injects my IV with something. I attempt to thrash about, desperate to get out of these restraints and queen Rebecca's grasp.

Whatever that man put in my IV takes effect quickly as queen Rebecca speaks quietly, "it's okay love, your safe now, your okay" she coos while my eyes get heavy and I slowly succumb to the darkness.

I am back in that damn cell, looking around I see Hope and Rose in the cell across from me, they are both beaten and bloody. I try to speak to them but they don't look at me. I call to them but they act like I am invisible.

Suddenly queen Rebecca walks up to the cell. The door opens and queen Rebecca walks in grabbing Rose by the throat.

"You are nothing but a filthy rogue!", queen Rebecca hisses at Rose and in one swift movement she rips her head clean off.

I am crying and calling out for her to stop, leave them alone but no one can hear me. The queen smiles evilly to Hope and walks slowly towards her, I am crying hysterically begging her to stop but she does not listen.

"Your turn to die little rogue" the queen sneers at Hope and punches her hand right through Hopes chest, ripping her heart out. I fall to my knees, pain is cutting through my heart as I look at Rose and Hopes dead bodies surrounded in blood.

The queen steps out of the cell and looks at me and smiles, "it's okay", she coos, "your safe now" The queen begins to laugh as she slowly moves toward my cell, the door opens...

I suddenly shoot wake, my face is covered in tears and my body is covered in sweat. I am breathing heavy, panicked for a moment as my mind catches up that it was just a dream. I try to move but I am unable to.... I quickly recall that I am trapped. Looking around I am alone and it's dark outside.

I hear water running from a room off to the side and suddenly the door opens. Queen Rebecca walks out smiling brightly at me. My face loses all color as I desperately try to get free from my bindings.

The queen walks over to me and with a sad smiles says, "hello mate, please try to relax I don't want to have to sedate you again".

I look at her with wide eyes before quickly looking around the room. Queen Rebecca begins slowly tracing her fingers up and down my bare arm causing me to desperately try and move my body away from hers.

The queen frowns,
"don't be scared babe, it's okay" she coos at me. I don't know what to say, I just look blanking at the ceiling waiting for her to hit me or stab me or do whatever type of torture she plans on doing now. I am racked with guilt that my suicide attempt failed, I failed Hope and Rose.

My body is tense and I am trembling when I hear the door open. I don't look, I don't have too I can smell them. It's the witch from before and another high powered witch that walk in. Tears start falling from my eyes as I keep looking straight ahead at the ceiling.

"Thank you ladies, the crown is forever in your debt", the queen says kindly.

"Of course my queen", one of them chirps as I try not to vomit. I hear them start chanting words I have never heard before.

The old witch is standing next to me and places her hand on my chest just over my heart. The other witch moves to the other side of the bed and begins chanting louder while placing her hand on my head. My entire body is filled with what feels like mini electric shocks as I begin to hyperventilate. I can still hear the queen but just barely as she quietly reassures me that I am safe and it will be okay. I know that everyone in the room can smell my fear but I don't care, I can't find enough oxygen as the shocks become stronger and before I know it black dots are swimming around my head.

The witches are gradually chanting louder, the lights flicker and my body feels as though it is going to explode. I don't know at what point I pass out but I do know that as I slip away from consciousness the witches continue chanting and the queen is still rubbing my arm like she is trying to comfort me.

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