What is going on? River

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Waking up this morning I am annoyed by a constant beeping sound right by my bed. Opening my eyes I am instantly confused.

I sit up quickly and regret it immediately as my head is pounding. I plop back down and look around. I am in a hospital I think, looking around the room I see someone, a girl I think, sleeping in a chair next to my bed. Something smells amazing in here mixed with the sterile hospital smell that surrounds me. I can feel panic starting to rise in me as I desperately try to remember how I got here.

The person next to me starts to stir and raises her head revealing queen Rebecca.

My heart sinks to the floor and I stare at her with wide eyes. Rebecca is looking at me with concern all over her face.

"Are you okay, how are you feeling, does anything hurt?" she asks with a worried tone.

"Uhh what's going on?" I ask confused. Why would Rebecca be here, why is she worried about me.

Rebecca looks at me and her concern changes to confusion. "Do you remember what happened?" she asks me. I shake my head no and Rebecca suddenly stands and rushes out the door. Less than a minute later Rebecca returns with a man that I assume is a doctor.

The doctor walks over to me and shines a light into my eyes, "your majesty what is the last thing you remember?" he asks with concern in his eyes. I look at him confused as I try to recall my last memory. "Umm m-my birthday, I uh just turned 18 and I was going to school", I say still trying to understand what's going on.

Becca suddenly gasps and puts her hands over her mouth in shock. She turns to the doctor, "what is going on?" she whispers to him. The doctor looks down at me with a frown before rubbing his chin. "It looks like his head injury has caused memory lose my queen", he says sadly.

I look between the doctor and Becca begging with my eyes for someone to explain what is going on. Becca looks at me sadly and grabs my hand. I gasp as I feel tingles moving up my hand and arm from her touch. I pull away in shock and Becca looks like she may cry.

Becca takes a deep breath to compose herself before she gently placed her hand on my thigh. "River, it has been almost 9 months since your birthday" she says cautiously. I just stare wide eyed trying desperately to remember anything that happened after my birthday. Becca smiles warmly, "on your birthday we  discovered that we are mates, you and Hope moved into the castle with me, do you remember?" she asks with hopeful eyes. I frown and look down at her hand on my leg, I shake my head slowly. "I'm sorry I don't remember", I say feeling bad that I forgot meeting my mate.

Becca let's out a small sob before jumping up and wrapping me in a tight hug. We stay like that for a moment, I try to comfort her while my mind is reeling with this new information. When we break the hug I ask, "is Hope here is she okay?" Becca smiles at me, "even without your memory you are still the same over protective older brother", she says with a small laugh. "Hope is fine" she continues, "she is still away at school so she was not here during the attack". I look at Becca confused.

Becca shakes her head quickly, "right sorry, we were attacked by rogues, you and I were helping the pack, she says with slight anger in her voice. We managed to defeat them but you got hurt during the fight", she continues while moving her hand to gently touch my forehead. I flinch back as my head stings where she touched, "shit" I mumble.

"Doctor how long do you think this will last?" Becca asks with concern in her voice. The doctor shakes his head and shrugs, "hopefully the king's memory will come back quickly but with this type of injury his memory may never return", the doctor says in a grave voice.

I look to Becca confused, "king?", I whisper. She smiles widely, "yes you are the king now, I can't believe you don't remember" she says lightheadedly. I take in a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed. Becca must have picked up on how I am feeling as she asks the doctor for some privacy.

Once the doctor leaves Becca climbs in bed next to me and holds me tightly, while it feels odd it also feels nice. I sink into her arms as she runs her fingers slowly up and down my bare arm. "It will be okay" Becca coos, "your memory will come back okay?", she says sounding like she is trying to convince herself more than me. I nod slowly and drift back to sleep, the comforting smell of my mate along with the gentle tingles of the mate bond soothing my mind while I slowly drift off.

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