I am going to kill her slowly Becca

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After sending Hope home, Sam, the warriors and I spent hours tracking River. We found the lake where Hope and River were first approached by the group of rogues and following Rivers scent it takes us to a clearing with the scent of at least 40 additional rogues.

I harshly punch the nearest tree when I realize that River ran directly into a trap. I can't overthink it as Sam approaches me and tells me his scent has gone cold.

"Perhaps he was carried?", Sam muses, as we continue our search.

"We are fucked" I tell Sam, "I can't smell anything or anyone outside of this clearing".

Sam huffs, "they either have a witch or some kind of spray to cover scents" she says.

I can feel the bile rising in my throat, a feeling of helplessness washes over me as I try to come up with our next steps. I take a moment and then start to explain my plan to the group, "okay" I say, "the way I see it is we should break up into 4 small groups, each group heads different directions and mind link back if you find anything".

I hear a mumbles of agreement as we break out into groups and start our search. After 5 hours and no luck finding anything we decide to head back to the castle and regroup. On our way home I mind link my dad telling him that we are coming home to set up a full blown search party.

My father mind links back telling me to come to his office as soon as I get home. I agree and spend the rest of the trip home lost in thought, brainstorming solutions and trying to fight off the fear that is trying to take me over.

When we arrive back Sam and I make our way to my dads office. Once inside I plop down on the couch, exhausted both physically and emotionally while my dad and mom look at me with pity filled eyes.

I breath in deeply before saying, "any news?"

My mom looks nervously to my dad as he sits up straight, dread etched into his features. "So"my dad begins speaking, "what I am about to say cannot leave this room, understand?", he says looking between Sam and I.

We both nod as my dad closes his eyes and continues, "as you may have heard we have a mole inside the rogue queens pack. Our mole reached out to us just over an hour ago and confirmed that the rogue queen has River", he says will looking at me worriedly.

My breath hitches as a new wave of fear courses through my blood, "has she hurt him yet?" I whisper.

My dad lets out a long breath before saying, "not yet, from what our mole has told us River is unharmed but sedated and locked inside a room".

I feel a wave of relief wash over me but it only lasts a moment before my dad started speaking again.

"This is a very dangerous situation", my dad continues, "a few months back the mole told me that the rogue queen has been searching for a replacement mate to take the place of her true mate that she killed. Apparently, she knows that she needs someone strong by her side in order to grow to the level of power needed to take over our pack", my dad says.

"Okay.... "I interrupt, "what does that have to do with us?" I snap, unintentionally.

My dad looks to me nervously, "well according to the mole the rogue queen is not just looking for any male, she wants someone who was destined to rule by the moon goddess herself" dad says. "From what I have been told", my dad pauses for a moment before continuing, "the rogue queen is going to try and take River as her new mate and rogue king. Apparently she sees him as the perfect replacement considering he was already destined to be a king and your bond is weak from the rejection".

As my dad finishes his sentence my wolf takes full control, "IF THAT BITCH PUTS HER HANDS ON MY MATE I WILL RIP HER APART", my wolf screams. Everyone in the room is cowering down in submission before I manage to rein in control of my dominance. "I am so sorry" I squeak out, as everyone breathes a sigh of relief that I am back in control. "She can't just claim him right?", concern in my voice, "he is already marked and we are fully mated" I say just over a whisper.

My dad sighs again, "while it is helpful that you are fully mated, which is part of the reason I was pushing you to finish the mating process so quickly, because your mark was forced the rogue queen may be able to mark over your mark or if she has a powerful enough witch she could have the mark removed. Forced marks are not as strong as normal marks plus your mate bond is still weak because River has not fully accepted the mating" my dad says while frowning.

I inwardly cringe, my stupid fucking mistake coming back to haunt me yet again. I take in a deep breath, trying to absorb this new information, "what would she have to do to successfully mark over my mark if she does not have a powerful witch?", I ask.

My dad hesitates before explaining, "while overmarking is rare, it has been done before. From what I have been able to find in my research", my dad says, "in order for the new mark to override the old, the person marking must be of equal or greater strength of the original marker and the receiver must willing accept the mark...or...." my dad hesitates...

"OR WHAT?", I snap, my dad looks down to the ground, "or the marker could mark the recipient, over and over again until the new mark takes over....but in order for that to work the marker and recipient must mate during or right after each marking" my dad concludes quietly.

I sink down into my seat, "so you are saying that if this bitch does not have a powerful witch that she will have to 1. make River fall in love with her or 2. mark and rape him over and over again until his body is forced to accept the bond?" I ask, trying to wrap my head around the insanity of this situation.

"That is correct" my dad confirms. "Okay", I say jumping up, "that leaves us with just one option, we find this bitch and rip her apart, slowly", I add with an evil smirk.

My mom looks up, a small smile on her face, "that is exactly what we are saying baby", she confirms with fire raging in her eyes. "Alright", I say, "where is this bitch?"

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