Decisions, decisions Becca

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I slowly sneak my way up to the rogue queens territory line, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I examine her border security.

I watch as the guards change shift, it seems like she attempts to have an organized system but with rogues you can never truly be on point. I listen to the guards gossip about the latest girls they fucked, mate issues and everything else under the sun except the queen.

I mind link my dad and give him a quick update. He mind links back and tells me to hold tight while he leads our men in an attack on the opposite side of her territory.

I wait for the signal, watching as the guards in front of me run off towards my packs attack. I wait impatiently for several minutes before my dad gives me the signal to breach the territory line.

I run quickly and quietly towards the pack house, my route is mostly clear as all of her rogues have abandoned their stations to join in the fight. I make quick work of entering the house and smelling out my mates location.

I sneak quietly towards the room I believe he is in. I am almost to the room when I feel her aura, the rogue queens powerful dominance beating down on me from the other end of the hall. I look up at her, and glare.

She is standing confidently a smug grin on her face with her arms crossed. "Well, well" she says, "I honestly did not think you would even try to get River back", she laughs.

Anger is rolling off me in waves, I snap my reply at her, "and why the fuck would you think I would allow you to take MY MATE?", I say in a deadly calm voice.

The rogue snickers, "well considering your distaste for rogues I assumed you just wanted the power boost from mating, now that you have it, I did not see you going through the effort to get him back, I mean, he is just a filthy rogue right?", she says throwing my own hurtful words back at me.

"I suppose", she continues, "I can understand why you would want him back, he really is a fine specimen of a man, I'm sure he makes a fun toy for you".

My wolf jumps to the front of my mind, wanting to take over and rip her apart but I manage to hold her back. I laugh trying to act like her words don't affect me.

"Hmm" I say, "I suppose you don't really understand the whole mate bond thing, considering your unfortunate experience with your true mate and all".

I can see her anger rising before she quickly masks it. "Don't worry your pretty little head about my mate situation, I found myself a lovely replacement, honestly he is a real step up, especially in the size department, if you know what I mean", she says winking at me.

That does it, my wolf takes over and runs towards her at lightning speed. I swipe at her mid jump, my claws aiming for her throat, she quickly dodges the attack, smirking as she takes a step back and shifts into her black wolf. I snap my jaw at her, just barely nipping her side as she swings her paw at my face, slicing thin cuts across my skin.

Both of our injuries heal before we go for the next hit. I manage to jump on top of her, biting hard down on the back of her neck, she flips me off clawing my stomach viciously. We circle each other, wound for wound we are even, honestly I am extremely surprised by her strength and speed. We are about to attack each other again when the sound of my warriors entering the house pulls our attention away from one another momentarily.

I turn my attention back towards her, a wolfish grin on my face and she pauses for a moment and shifts back. I shift also and we stare each other down silently.

Eventually the rogue queen huffs, "well", she says, as my warriors close in on us, "I hate to admit it but you win this round, don't break my toy" she says, winking at me.

My eyes turn black as I step forward to attack again but she suddenly disappears in a cloud of black smoke. I search for her frantically, yelling to the warriors to fan out and search for her. I don't see her so I leave the search to my men and quickly kick down the door to the room River is in.

I find him, unconscious on the bed, wearing nothing but sweatpants. I quickly run over and check on him, he has no new injuries and appears to be sedated. I let out the breath I have been holding and hug his limp body tightly.

My dad walks in and makes his way over to us. I feel his hand on my shoulder and I look up to him, my dad smiles down at me, wiping the tears from my cheek and says, "he is okay baby girl, we got him now".

I can't help but smile, I did not even realize I was crying until my dad cleaned by tears. I composed myself and went to find River a shirt. I gently pulled the shirt over his head and call some warriors to carry River down to my car.

Half the warriors drive back while about 60 stayed to clean up and assess the situation, everyone else ran back in wolf form.

Once we got home I have River brought to our room and call the doctor and Hope to come see him.

The doctor believes River was given a high powered tranquilizer but took bloodwork to confirm while Hope and I sit on opposite sides of the bed talking and laughing about how happy we are to have him home. It starts to get late so Hope retires to her room while I shower and snuggle up close to River. The doctor believes he will wake up in 12-18 hours so for now I decide to enjoy the closeness of my mate, without him fighting to get away from me.

I am so tired and emotionally spent that I drift off to sleep quickly surrounded by my mates warmth and calming smell.

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