Together again Rose/River

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Hope has finally arrived and by the look on my warriors faces she has been a pain to deal with. I could hear her feisty smart ass comments as she was guided towards my office. I can't help but smile as the guards enter pulling her along with them. Hope glares hard at me for a moment before speaking "what is this all about?" She snaps in anger. I smile sweetly "welcome home Hope, you will be staying with River while I sort out your memory loss issue" I say firmly. Hope looks at me with accusing eyes "I know who you are and what's going on" she seethes "I heard all about you beating my brothers mate and if you think for a second acting nice to me is going to get me to like you..." she shakes her head no in frustration before continuing, "if you think for a second I will help you, you are wrong" she says firmly while glaring at me hard. I can't help but smirk, this girl is a firecracker. "Hope" I say kindly "I understand this is a lot to take in but I promise I have nothing but the best intentions for you and your brother" I say honestly. Hope rolls her eyes but does not continue her little rant as I stand and walk towards her. I can tell she is trying to be brave but I sense her fear and worry, she really is a brave girl, I am so proud of her. "Come along" I say as I walk past her "I will take you to River".

Hope follows me silently as we walk down the long castle halls towards Rivers room. I can almost hear the gears turning in her mind as she thinks over her current predicament. Hope and River are so much alike, they both think things through and both show their feelings through their eyes. My warriors stay about 10 feet behind us as we walk quickly and quietly. I know Hope is scared, I just pray that Lisa can fix this memory issue soon, it hurts that both Hope and River are afraid of me.

Walking up to Rivers bedroom door my heart is pounding out of my chest, I can't wait to see him up close. I have been avoiding him as whenever his mind tries to remember me it causes his headaches to get worse. Unfortunately whoever cast the memory spell did a really shit job, he knows I am familiar but his mind can't connect to the memories causing pressure to build as he desperately tries to connect to a memory that is deeply repressed.

I knock once just to let him know I am about to enter before I unlock the door and walk inside with Hope following closely behind. Rivers concerned, fearful eyes land on me for just a moment before they move to Hope. I can see both relief and panic as River realizes his sister is here. Hope runs up to him and wraps him in a bone crushing hug while Rivers eyes stay glued to me. "I'm so glad your okay" Hope sobs as River holds her tightly. "I'm glad your safe" River whispers before pulling Hope behind him, protecting her from the perceived threat in front of him. I smile sweetly at them for just a moment before speaking "once we figure out how to undo the memory blocking spell placed on both of you things will make more sense, I promise" I say quietly before leaving. As much as I want to stay I know I can't, Lisa told me extended exposure to me could cause River to have a stroke and I won't risk his safety. I can't help but wonder if this is less an issue of an inexperienced witch and more a planned side effect, thankfully it won't be an issue for much longer.

Rivers POV
As soon as the bedroom door closes and locks I let out a deep sigh. While I am glad my sister is safe I can't help but wonder why she was brought here. "Are you hurt?" I whisper while still watching the door, I feel like at any moment someone may barge in and attack us. "I'm fine" Hope replies while also staring at the door.

We both stay silent for a moment before Hope begins ranting. "What the hell happened? Are you hurt? Where is Becca? What does she mean both of us have memory issues? Has anyone told you what they are going to do with us? Who...." I hold up my hand to stop Hopes rambling. "Hope calm down please, I know this is bad but we will be okay" I say as calmly as I can. I rub my face hard as I debate what I should tell Hope, I guess at this point honestly is the best policy. "On the night of the marking ceremony the rogue queen challenged Becca and won" I say sadly. "After the fight the rogue queen sent Becca and Sam off with the witch royals and I was locked in this room" I say while thinking.

"Wait...are you having memory issues?" I ask suddenly recalling the queens comment about fixing our memories. Hope looks guilty for a moment, her gaze suddenly glued to the floor before she replies "umm yeah, I can't remember anything since the morning of your birthday" she mumbles quietly. I feel a painful burning in my chest, something is definitely not right, how could Hope and I both lose our memories from the exact same time frame? "How did you lose your memories?" I ask cautiously as I rub my chest. "Becca told me witches attacked me after discovering I was your sister and one of the side effects was my memory loss. Becca told me that if you knew I was attacked you would worry so I agreed not to tell you. It broke my heart to lie but I did not want you to worry about me. Wait.....Do you have memory loss too?" Hope asks while looking deep into my eyes. I nod yes slowly "Becca also suggested that I keep it from you, apparently the rogue queen attacked and I got hit hard in the head during the fighting" I say suddenly getting an uneasy feeling in my gut. "Seems like Becca lied to both of us" Hope spits out in anger.

My head is pounding hard as I plop down on the bed. "Are you having headaches?" I ask Hope while rubbing my temples hard. "Yeah" she whispers while looking around the room slowly. "What do you think is going on?" Hope asks with a frown. I shake my head no slowly "I guess we will find out when the rogue queen breaks the memory spell" I say before laying down. I pat the spot next to me and Hope grins before crawling in bed and laying down beside me.

Hope and I spend another hour catching up before we both slip off to sleep. My last thoughts before falling into darkness are consumed by Becca, is she okay, is she hurt, what is she hiding from Hope and I?

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