What is with my luck these days? River

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I hear soft footsteps approaching the door, and quickly stand up, composing myself. The light knock brings my eyes to the door and I take a deep breath before speaking, "come in" I mumble.

I hear the door keys jingle and the door slowly opens to reveal Jake's smiling face.

I take another deep breath before greeting him, "hey Jake, hows it hanging man?"

Jake smiles slightly and replies, "hello sir River, I have your tuxedo and breakfast".

I mumbled a quick thank you and move to the side to allow Jake to walk past me further into the room. Jake places the tray on the table and takes the tuxedo, currently on a hanger with one of those bags over it and hangs it up on the bathroom door.

"Do you know how to tie a bow tie sir?" Jake asks.

I laugh, "I absolutely do not know how to tie a bow tie Jake, what 18 year old kid in the 21st century knows how to?" I joke.

Jake laughs, "I guess only old people and royals have that skill these days", he says lightheartedly. "I will come by at 2:30 and assist you, in the mean time", Jake continues, "you should eat, shower and do your hair".

I huff out a breath in annoyance, "she said I had to play nice not play dress up" I mumble.

Jake again lets out a laugh but this one is uncontrolled, showing he finds my childish antics extremely funny.

"Unfortunately sir River this is a very important party, with many distinguished guests, so you must look the part" he says, smiling widely.

"Lame", was my short reply.

Jake giggles and waves his arm, indicating that it's time for me to sit and eat. I start eating, making small talk with Jake about how stupid I think this party thing is.

Jake just listens to my rant while occasionally showing amusement in his eyes but never speaking out against the royal family and the stupid parties they like to throw. By the time I finish breakfast I am 100 percent sure that Jake and I will be good friends, well once he gets past that "I am here to serve you" complex.

Jake excuses himself while I go to shower, making sure to bring my clothes with me this time, I won't make yesterday's mistake again, believe me.

While showering I can't help but think back on last night. What the fuck is wrong with Becca, how in the world can she justify doing that to me. While I am extremely mad I am also embarrassed and I feel violated. Even with those negative feelings, recounting last nights events has an unexpected side effect as I look down at my fully erect cock.

"What the fuck!", I say out loud, looking down at myself, my own fucking body is betraying me....AGAIN!!! I let out a huff of frustration as I turn the water ice cold, I won't allow myself to be aroused thinking about my mate raping me.

Stepping out of the shower I dry off, get dressed and fix my hair, looking in the mirror I can tell that I look good. I look the part but I can't help but hope I can play the part too, for my sister's sake.

I have been brainstorming for hours trying to figure out how I can get Hope and I out of this safely, I have to make sure that we don't get caught, I can't risk Hope being punished for my actions. A small part of me thinks Becca is bluffing but the larger part remembers how viciously she used to beat me for no other reason than I was a rogue. I can't imagine how she will react if she has a real reason to be pissed.

I take a breath as I hear Jake retuning to the room. Jake looks me over and smiles, apparently I passed the "look like a future king" test and he calls me closer so he can tie my bow tie. When Jake is done he smiles warmly and excuses himself.

I take a moment to sit on the edge of the bed, fully dressed, looking like I am about to strut some catwalk, and reflect once again on the current situation. I am only lost in thought for a moment when the sound of Becca approaching the room drags me back to reality.

Becca walks in, and though I hate to admit it, she looks stunning. The dress she is wearing shows off her womanly curves perfectly, her makeup is amazing, not too much, just enough to bring out her eyes and lips. I swallow hard, looking up to meet her eyes. She has a triumph smirk on her face, no doubt catching me checking her out.

I roll my eyes and stand up, "anything I need to know before this party starts?" I ask.

Becca smiles sweetly and starts going over what to expect at the party. "Well" she begins, "first my dad will announce to the hall that I have found my mate, you" she says winking at me, "and right after the announcement, you and I will walk out on stage. My dad will introduce you as the future king and we will start the ceremony..."

"Wait", I say, "what ceremony, I thought this was a party?"

Becca laughs again, "well yes it is a party but it is also yours and Hopes pack initiation ceremony."

My heart drops, of course we would have to become part of the royal pack, I start to panic at the thought, being part of the pack will connect Hope and I to all of the other members of the royal pack, that means when we cross the border everyone will know.

Becca must be able to see the look of panic on my face and she starts to giggle, "oh River", she says, "the sooner you get this foolish running away plan out of your head the better, you are MINE, now and ALWAYS". As soon as she finished that rant she appears in front of me, her hands quickly grabbing my hair and forcing me to face her, she smiles and pulls me into her lips forcing my mouth open she moves her tongue around my mouth, leaving nothing unexplored.

After what feels like eternity Becca finally ends the kiss, leaving both of us gasping for air. Becca still has a firm grip on my hair as she pulls her lips to my ear and whispers, "you are all mine mate, every bit of you belongs to me and after tonight everyone will know it, including you".

She gently pulls on my earlobe with her teeth and then moves her face so she is looking me right in the eyes, "time to go introduce you to your pack" she says smiling wide as she begins dragging me towards the door.

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