Jade Flowers

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Jade refreshed the webpage and scowled at the variety of comments posted in the last five minutes. 

"Who do these people think they are?" 

After the video had been released to the fanclub, many had turned their opinions. After all, who didn't think that Ransom's care for Kaya was the sweetest sight on planet earth? 

Answer: apparently a solid fifteen percent of the fan club. 

"Lina!" Jade stood to her feet, fully prepared to make a game plan and go throttle some teenage fangirls. 

Lina skittered out of the kitchen. "What? What's wrong? Did something happen?" 

"These idiot children are making death threats." Jade held out her phone. "Let's go make some threats against them, instead." 

"Um..." Lina gently took the phone out of Jade's hand. "I think we should think this through, first. You're usually so calm. What's wrong?" 

"This has to do with my cousin's lifelong happiness. Do you think I'm going to sit still?" 

Lina opened her mouth to say something else, but the doorbell rang. 

Jade snapped her attention to the front of the apartment. "Who would be ringing my doorbell at this hour?" 

"It's literally seven o'clock." 

Jade shrugged. "I preferred the dramatics of the phrase." 

Honestly, Jade wasn't a violent person. She did what she must, when she must. All the aggression and hardness were masks she put on to push people away. It never worked out well when she let someone too close. 

The doorbell rang again. 

Jade sighed and marched to the video screen mounted on the wall. "Oh, great." 

"Oh, great, what?" Lina peered over Jade's shoulder. 

Jade pushed her aside. "Go finish cooking." 

Lina probably rolled her eyes, but Jade was too busy fixing her hair behind her ear to notice. She took one deep breath before she marched to the door and pulled it open. 

Kestrel grinned at her and held up a bouquet of flowers. "Good evening, mon amor." 

"Don't call me that." Jade planted a hand on her hip. "What are you here for?" 

"I can't come just to give my Lady Jade some flowers?" Kestrel shoved the flowers toward her. "Look, I even specially ordered jade flowers for part of the bouquet. Accept it. Please?" 

Jade studied the flowers in front of her. She should probably accept them. After all, Kestrel had specially ordered them. Just for her. 

Despite her tendency to push others away, Jade felt her heart give a little flutter. Darn. 

Before she could chicken out, Jade snatched the flowers from Kestrel's grasp. 

Kestrel beamed as if she had given him the world. "May I come in?" 

"Don't test your luck." Jade shook her head. 

"But I have fun stories. Like how I saved Kaya from a rogue gang of anti-fans. Or how I saw Ransom and Kaya together the other night. They were cute. Or-"

Jade held up a hand. "Wait. You saw Ransom and Kaya together? Outside of work?" 

"I told you it was a fun story. Do you want me to come in and tell the whole thing?" 

Jade tapped a finger against the bouquet's casing. It wouldn't be the best idea, but it couldn't be a terrible idea. Lina was there, as well, so nothing could be said against them. 

"Okay, fine, come in." 

She may regret it later, but Jade needed to know the temperature of Ransom and Kaya's relationship. After all, she might need to intervene if the temperature didn't ramp up soon.

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