The Next Step

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Thankfully, Jacob and Alicia had driven a car of their own. So, once the statements had been given and the situation explained, the duo offered to drive Ransom and Kaya home. 

A good idea, considering the state of Ransom's SUV. Kaya would be even more devastated if she didn't know that Ransom had good insurance and would have a new vehicle in a day or two. Still, she felt bad about his car. It was, ultimately, her fault. No one else held a grudge like Richard Aberdeen. 

On another high note, Jacob insisted on driving. He cited the cause as "Ali's road rage" and took the keys before anyone could argue. Kaya made a mental note to thank him for a lot of things. 

Jacob pulled the car into the underground lot at Ransom's apartment building. "Welcome home." 

"Come up with us," Ransom instructed. "You can park in any of the blue-lined spots. They're for visitors." 

Kaya figured it must have something to do with the plan Ransom had mentioned to Alicia. They hadn't had time to discuss it, due to several police officers interrupting. 

Jacob slammed on the brakes. "Does this mean... are you... are you inviting us up to your house?" 

"Ohmygosh!" Alicia slapped a hand against Jacob's bicep and gripped to the point that it must have hurt. "Tell me I'm not dreaming! Me, invited up to Ran's house? This is..." she squealed, so loud it hurt Kaya's eardrums. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kaya muttered to Ransom. 

Ransom shrugged a shoulder. "Do you have any better ideas?" 

Kaya shook her head. Sadly, the only people who had her back  were also the people who hated her the most. An unstable reporter and a fangirl. How did that work?

"No screaming in the building," Ransom commanded, pointing an accusatory finger at Alicia. "Jacob, please let off the brake and park the car." 

"Yes, sir. Of course, sir." Jacob snapped back to reality, pulled into a parking spot, and shut off the engine. "This is truly an honor, Mr. Lee. For real." 

"I can't believe I'm about to see Ran's house in real life!" Alicia's hands came to life, beating against Jacob's shoulder in a frenzy. 

Jacob fumbled to catch them before they inflicted more pain. "Yes. Big deal. I get it. Let's take a deep breath. In, out. In, out. Ali, breathe!" 

Kaya wanted to stay and see the completion of their little show, but Ransom opened his door and stepped out, then reached a hand back in for Kaya. 

Truth be told, Kaya knew she would feel safer once they got inside. So she took Ransom's hand and followed him. Through the doors. Into the elevator. It might have been less stressful if the giggling, skipping Alicia didn't follow their every step. Jacob looked pretty star-struck, too. 

Ransom paid them no mind, but Kaya had no idea how he played it so cool. Not even a glance to the kids as the elevator ascended. Up, up, up, until it came to a stop at the very top floor. 

The doors opened to reveal a spacious living area, decorated with postmodern furniture that somehow fit Ranom's personality. A penthouse at its best. 

Alicia took off exploring. Jacob trailed her like a puppy. 

Kaya turned to ran and gave his hand a squeeze. "I think I like your place." 

"Go find a seat. I'll bring you something to drink." Ransom let his fingers linger against the small of Kaya's back before he released her and turned for the kitchen.

Kaya took her time studying Ransom's penthouse. Two stories tall, with the lower half used for living, dining, and... was that a jacuzzi in the far corner? A glass-encased exercise room sat off to its side. A door nearby could lead to an office.

Kaya stopped exploring to sink onto the lapis-colored sofa. It welcomed her, somewhere between soft and firm. The perfect couch consistency.

Alicia bounded down the stairs with Jacob hot on her heels. "I can't believe this is real!" She spun to hold her arm out toward Jacob. "Pinch me."

Jacob, never one to balk at a challenge, did just that.

Alicia screeched and jerked away from him. "That hurts!" Her eyes went wide. "But that means this is all real!"

"Of course it's real. I invited you in, didn't I?" Ransom materialized from the kitchen, set a glass of juice in front of Kaya, and dropped a kiss to her head before he straightened. "How are you holding up?"

"I told you, dream come true!" Alicia interrupted.

Ransom shot her a soft glare. "I wasn't talking to you."

Kaya nodded her head, offering a brief smile. "I'm okay."

"Good. Drink up. Hydration is important." Ransom took a seat next to Kaya. "How are you finding the experience, Ms. Fairchild?"

"Dream. Come. True. How many times do I have to say it?"

"I'm glad." Ransom leaned back, letting his arms rest along the back of the couch. "Now that I've given you something so valuable, won't you do a few things for me, as well?"

"Mr. Lee..." Jacob raised a hand. "You might consider rephrasing that. I think it could be taken in wrong ways-"

"Shut up, Jacob." Alicia folded her arms. "Ran, you know I would do anything for you, without expecting anything in return. That's what we do in the Ran Fam."

"Good. Let's take a few pictures, shall we? And, perhaps, write up an article or two?"

Kaya set her juice on the coffee table and gave a tug at the fabric covering Ransom's knee. "What are you doing? What's the plan? Richard will just cover up news stories."

"Oh, I'm counting on it." Ransom reached forward to rest a hand against Kaya's cheek. "It's alright. I'm using this opportunity to find out how deep the conspiracies go. I know what I'm doing."

"He said he could get to me any time, anywhere," Kaya confessed for the first time.

Ransom nodded. "He's trying to scare you. Don't worry, my love. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you."

"Thank you." Ransom took Kaya's hand in his and lifted it to his lips for a kiss.


Kaya shot a look to Alicia, who snapped another picture on her phone.

Ransom chuckled. "Alicia, dear. Are you done fangirling now?"

"Just one more." Alicia snapped another picture and then lowered her phone. "Okay, let's talk business. What's the favor?"

"You may not like it, but for this to work, I'm going to need you to convince the entire fan club that you believe in my relationship with Kaya." Ransom leveled his gaze at Alicia, a challenge silently issued. "Make them adore her." 

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