New Revelations

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No makeup. Yoga pants and a t-shirt. She hadn't even bothered to do anything to her hair except throw it into a lazy ponytail. How terrible she must look. 

Kaya hadn't even managed to ditch the blanket before Ransom led her out of Jade's apartment and into the elevator. Still no communication. Not a peep from him.

The doors opened into Ransom's familiar apartment. He took Kaya's hand and led her out toward the living area. 

Fed up with not knowing anything, Kaya yanked her fingers out of his grasp. 

Ransom froze and, when he turned, his face bore nothing but shock. "What's wrong?"

"That's what I should be asking you." Kaya tucked her arms under the blanket and pulled it tight around her shoulders. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You've been avoiding me. You haven't talked to me in days. And Tobin hasn't acknowledged me at all during work." 

"Is that what's wrong? We haven't spoken?" 

"Should that be okay?" 

"No. You're right. I've been insensitive." 

Kaya sighed heavily. "Then why haven't you spoken to me?" 

"Because I can't keep secrets from you." 

"You... what?" All Kaya's mounting anger melted like snow in springtime. "What kind of secrets?"

Ransom tugged at the blanket around Kaya's shoulders, removing it gently and then folding it over his arm. "Come sit down. I'll tell you." 

Kaya wrinkled her nose at him, but it was more an attempt to hold on to the last vestiges of her anger than actual disgust. 

With a chuckle, Ransom reached out a hand for hers. 

Kaya slid her fingers between his and followed him to the couch. What secret could he be hiding from her? Did he realize he didn't love her anymore? That would be unacceptable. 

Ransom laid the blanket over the back of the sofa and settled Kaya on the cushion in front of it. "I didn't speak to you because I didn't want to give you false hope." 

"False hope?" That wasn't the direction that Kaya thought this would go. "So... you're not breaking up with me?" 

"No. Why would you think that?" 

"No reason. Go on." Kaya folded her hands in her lap and put on a smile. 

Ransom laughed softly, his hand reaching out to rest against Kaya's cheek. "Is that what my silence made you think?" 

"A little bit, but it's okay now." Kaya tipped her head against his touch. "What's going on?" 

Ransom's smile fell, his eyes turned away from Kaya. His fingers lowered from Kaya's face. "Tobin and I didn't want to get your hopes up if our investigation didn't go in the direction we thought it would." 


Ransom nodded. "Our investigation on Richard." 

"Oh. That." Kaya nodded. "But I already know about that." 

"Kaya, hear me out. It's not as simple as we first thought. Tobin and I... we discovered some things." 

"Things that will help us?" 

"Perhaps." Ransom rolled his lips together, those dark eyes finally meeting Kaya's gaze. "My love, Tobin and I found some hard evidence that suggests your mother may still be alive."

"What?" Kaya blinked, unsure she had heard Ransom correctly.

Her mother had disappeared, without a trace. All they had found was a broken window and a few drops of blood on the floor. It had been a sensational news story, but empty from any closure. Perhaps, deep down, Kaya had always assumed the police's assumptions had been right. Her mother had died that night.

In hindsight, Kaya should have kept her hope alive. With so little evidence, how could anyone come to the assumption that a woman had been murdered? Simply because they couldn't find her?

Ransom trailed his thumbs over Kaya's hands, a gesture meant to comfort, no doubt. "I know it's a lot to take in."

"I thought... I thought that he..." Kaya shook her head. She didn't need to say it. Ransom knew what she thought about Richard.

"I would have concurred, but something felt strange to me. Judging by things he has said to you, Richard must be somewhat obsessed with your mother. It seemed odd that he would kill her and not you." Ransom sighed. "I'm sorry for keeping it from you."

"No. Don't be." Kaya gave Ransom's fingers a squeeze. "This is the happiest news I've heard in months. There's no need to be sorry."

"I should have told you sooner, but I didn't want you to be disappointed if we discovered I had been wrong."

"Stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong." Kaya scooted a half-inch closer to him. "She's really alive?"

Ransom nodded, his eyes closing to emphasize the motion. "Tobin and I confirmed it, but it will be difficult to rescue her without involving some of the police on the list. I think it's time we start weeding out Richard's spies in the government offices."

Kaya nodded. "Anything to get mom back."

"Anything to keep the two of you safe." Ransom lifted Kaya's hands to kiss her knuckles. "Which is why I have a request. It may sound uncouth or crazy, but I'm asking sincerely."

Ranson had never asked something that Kaya couldn't give. So she smiled kindly. "What is it?"

"For the next few days, will you stay here?"

"Here?" Kaya glanced around suspiciously. "You mean at your place?"

Ransom nodded. "I will feel infinitely more secure about my upcoming plans if you are here. No one can easily enter this place. It will be difficult to get to you if you're here."

Kaya thought about it, but the decision came easily. It was the questions that began to swirl in her head that bothered her.

"I can stay here, but... what's going on?" Too many things had happened all in one day. The biggest news of her life and the most difficult scheme. What would Ransom ask of her next?

"Nothing. It's nothing, so long as you're safe here."

The words did little to comfort Kaya, but instead sparked a glimmer of concern in her heart. What could Ransom possibly be planning, that he wouldn't allow her to know?

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