Morning After (pt. 4)

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"You should think about the gravity of this situation before you agree." Ransom leaned back against the corner of the sofa, arms draped on the back and arm, respectively. "There are a few details you don't know." 

"Like what?" Kaya stuffed yet another bite of strawberry cream cake into her mouth. 

"If we release this statement, the fan club isn't going to just let it go. Neither are the tabloids. People will be watching both of us for a while." 

"People have been watching us for a while already." 

Ransom nodded. "True. But this scrutiny will be closer. HR informed me that the president of my fan club has been hired as an intern at the company. I guarantee she'll follow your every step. The tabloids will find you and try to confuse you with trick questions. Are you prepared to deal with all of that?" 

With all the cards laid on the table, Kaya had trouble grasping the full reach of the situation. 

"So... we'll be in a real relationship?" 

"Of sorts." Ransom folded his hands in his lap again, thankfully making himself look less like a king and more like a human. "Until this all blows past us, as far as I'm concerned, you will be my girlfriend. I'll treat you as such. You can end the relationship any time that you want to do so, but please think carefully before you do." 

A relationship. The last thing she wanted. However... Ransom didn't seem like he would treat her badly. Kaya had learned to recognize good people. Ransom seemed good. 

"I would still have my job at the company?" 

"Of course. Cook and bake to your heart's content." Ransom held up a finger. "But no more wasabi." 

Despite herself, Kaya giggled. The wasabi prank had been priceless. 

"Do we have a deal, then?" 

"Should we write up a contract?" 

Ransom shook his head. "This is a personal relationship between two people. No contract can perfectly define that. It should be based on trust." 

"Then I guess we have a deal." 

Kaya couldn't believe she agreed to it, but Ransom had promised she could back out whenever she wanted. So far, he had kept his word. He wouldn't go back on his words now. 

Ransom stood to his feet. "I'll arrange for the article to be released tomorrow morning. Until then, lay low. Don't leave Jade's. I'll be in touch." 

"You're leaving?" Kaya set down her cake and also stood. 

Ransom's lips ticked up in a soft smile. "I have things to attend to, and you seem preoccupied with your breakfast."

"You should eat, too." 

"I'm not a fan of sweets." 

Right. Kaya had almost forgotten. But if he didn't like sweets, why had he bought all sweets to bring as breakfast? It didn't make sense. 

"I'll talk to you later." Ransom paused, as if he wanted to say or do something else, but in the end he turned and walked away. 

Kaya couldn't quite explain the feeling that wrapped around her. As if she, too, expected more out of his farewell than what she had been given. As if, when he left, he also left a hole where he had been. 

Why did he make her feel so safe?

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