Secrets Revealed (pt. 1)

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"What happened?" Kaya tried to turn her head to look around.

Ransom's grip on her head kept Kaya firmly in place. "Are you okay? Nothing happened?" 

"What was that? Why are you here?" 

"Are. You. Okay?" Ransom knit his brow. "Answer me first, and then I'll answer your questions." 

"I'm fine." Kaya shrugged her shoulders. Nothing happened. She freaked herself out, that was all. 

Ransom pulled her against his chest again, resting his cheek on top of her head. "Good. That's good." 

"Ransom, what's going on?" 

"Come with me, first." Ransom finally released her, but only long enough to tuck his hand around hers. "I think I should explain everything today." 

"Explain what?" Kaya skipped along beside him.

Easier said than done. Ransom had long legs and he didn't understand the struggles of those shorter than him. 

Ransom didn't speak another word. Not a single word, as he led Kaya back down the street and into the Conditus offices. The tension rolled off of him in waves, crashing over Kaya with a snide foreboding of what would come. 

Kaya didn't dare attempt a conversation until they made it to Ransom's floor. 

"Can you tell me what's going on now?" 

Ransom pulled her into the office, then spun to catch her face in his hands. "You can't hate me for this, alright?"

"That usually means it's something that could be hated." Kaya tipped her head. Was it really only this morning that Ransom kissed her? What kind of day was this? 

"I wanted to wait until our relationship had stabilized, but... I don't think it will unless we're honest with each other." 

"Honest? About what?" Kaya pulled her head out of his grip. "You're lying to me about something?" 

"Not lying. I simply haven't... told you everything." Ransom scrubbed a hand through his hair. "I thought you would recognize me, and when you didn't... by then it was too late to correct it." 

"Recognize you? Why would I?" 

Kaya didn't want to feel her heart break. Couldn't he say something reassuring? Something that would tell her it would all be okay? Ransom had let her into his world, and she found she liked it there. He wouldn't banish her, would he? Kaya thought he really liked her. 

Ransom smiled wanly. "Come, have a seat. I think you'll need it."

Probably, but Kaya wasn't quite willing to do everything Ransom wanted right now. "I can stand."

"No, you can't. It will be better to sit and to think rationally about all of this. Only then can we deal with the fiery arrows shot our way." 

Wow. A dramatic metaphor. Kaya didn't know if that impressed her or made her even more wary about everything about to come. 

Even though she didn't want to, Kaya settled in one of Ransom's office chairs and folded her hands in her lap. 

"What do you need to tell me?" 

Ransom settled in a chair across from her. He inhaled sharply, deeply. "Kaya. I know you think we first met in this office, but that isn't entirely true. We have met before then, and I had hoped you would remember."

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