The Auction Gala (pt. 4)

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Kaya suspected that Ransom didn't want, any more than she did, to sit at the same table as Leona. Unfortunately, they weren't given a choice. 

Leona, by nature, ran roughshod over everyone around her. She would have her way, one way or another, and no one would stop her with logic or refusal. 

That's how Kaya and Ransom found themselves seated next to Leona. 

Somehow, Ransom managed to put a chair's distance between his seat and Leona's perch. Leona didn't seem happy about it, but she let it stay that way. Kaya could have sighed in relief. How was she supposed to deal with this spunky extrovert if Ransom didn't intervene? 

The only downfall was that Leona hadn't shut her trap since they sat down and Ransom, being a gentleman despite his discomfort, chose to look at her while she spoke. Which meant he hadn't turned Kaya's way at all. 

Kaya tried to ignore the tight knot of disappointment and anger in her chest. She couldn't control other people, only what she did with the situations around her. 

But, boy, was Kaya ready to explode. Did Leona think the world revolved around her? It didn't. Even less, Ransom's world. Leona didn't have the right to butt in like this. 

Kaya didn't know what to do about it. 

"You aren't really ditching me for..." Leona leaned forward to glare at Kaya, "her, are you?" 

"We already established this." Ransom reached a hand back for Kaya's. 

Kaya was more than willing to oblige him. Ransom grounded her in situations like this, and holding onto his hand might give her the strength she needed to speak her mind. 

Unfortunately, Leona spoke first. 

"You need someone who's at your level. Someone who knows about your world. Like me. Do you realize what a help I could be to you? I have so many connections!" 

Kaya wanted to argue the point, but Leona was right. Kaya didn't offer anything helpful to Ransom's career. She didn't have connections. And she had never been in Ransom's world before. 

Would she lose Ransom now that he realized it as well? 

Kaya rose to her feet. "Excuse me for a minute." 

Ransom's hand clamped tighter around her fingers. For the first time since they sat down, he turned to stare at her. "Where are you going? Are you alright?" 

"Just the restroom." Kaya gently extracted her fingers from his grasp. "I'll be right back." 

Ransom nodded, but he still seemed concerned. "Hurry back." 

Kaya gave him a tight smile, then took off for the doors. She needed to breathe, just for a few minutes. If the restroom would allow her to do so, Kaya would use it as an excuse. 

Ransom likes you, she reminded herself as she trudged through the hall. He's not fickle like other people. Nothing will happen between him and Leona. 

But... Leona was so pushy. Sheer force could get people through walls. Why wouldn't it get Leona somewhere with Ransom. 

Because he's not like that. 

Kaya stopped outside the restroom door to lean her head against the wall. This wasn't why she came here. She knew that Ransom had chosen her. So why did she feel like this? All confused and angry and irritated. 

"Get it together, Kaya," she scolded herself. 

A soft chuckle behind her drew Kaya's attention. "You know, you really do look just like her. Your mother, I mean." 

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