Zoren's Revenge

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"Where are we going? I really don't have time for this." Kaya plucked at her seat-belt, hoping that Zoren had a good explanation for this escapade. 

Technically speaking, Kaya didn't have time to traverse the city with him. She needed to get back to work, at some point. 

She didn't want to think about what might happen if she didn't get back to work on time.

Zoren turned into a parking garage. "You'll see."

"Why are we here?" 

"Revenge is a dish best served when one's sister isn't expecting it." Zoren grinned. "Oh, to see the look on her face." 

Kaya wasn't sure how the twins' relationship worked, but at this point she didn't want to question it. Zoren and Lina would do whatever they wanted, when they wanted. She had never been able to stop Lina and she doubted she could stop either of them now. 

Zoren parked in the spot nearest the reserved parking, causing Kaya to think maybe this wasn't his first time here. 

"What are you doing? Let's go." Zoren's grin widened again as he opened his door, singing some soft tune about annoying his twin. 

Kaya rolled her eyes, but, since she found herself here anyway, opened her door and stepped out. 

Zoren hit the elevator button and waited for it to arrive. 

Kaya hopped to a stop at his side. "So, are you going to clue me in?" 

"I guess I could, but where would the fun be in that?" Zoren shrugged his shoulders. 

Although he clearly had a plan, Kaya found herself swept along in his energetic revenge plot. She couldn't help it. Zoren had a way of including people without their permission. 

The elevator, when it arrived, took them up several floors before it stopped. 

A bulky security guard stood in their immediate path. 

Kaya shied back, worried by the size of the man and his gruff expression. 

Zoren, on the other hand, stepped forward and held out his ID. "I'm here for a discussion meeting with Jade and Mr. Knox." 

The guard studied the ID, then nodded. He looked past Zoren to Kaya. 

"Ah." Zoren hooked a thumb in Kaya's direction. "She's with me." 

Without a word, the guard stepped aside and motioned Zoren down the hall. 

Zoren saluted him with two fingers, then reached back to tug Kaya forward when she didn't move. 

Who could move when they were so scared? Kaya barely registered that Zoren had thrown out Jade's name in the middle of his explanation. What the heck was a discussion meeting?

"I thought we were here to see Lina..." Kaya shot the quiet words up in Zoren's direction. 

Zoren nodded. "We are. I told you, she's been keeping things from you, too. Like her job. Even though you asked, she was super vague, right?" 

Kaya rolled her eyes. She had never pegged Zoren as an obsessive, vengeful type, but... 

Zoren opened a door at the end of the hall and motioned Kaya to precede him. 

If only to get this over with faster, Kaya stepped into the dimly-lit room. At the far end, Jade and some guy with shaggy-chic hair posed for the cameraman in front of them. In the shadows, various assistants and managers stood silent. 

Lina leaned against the wall beside a rack of clothes, seemingly serene. Not something Kaya saw every day. 

It was the look on her face when she spotted Zoren that threw Kaya for a loop. Lina had never seemed homicidal until that very moment. 

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