Fan Meeting (pt. 4)

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Kaya would admit it. She missed the security of holding Ransom's hand. 

By his side, Kaya felt she had a grasp of the situation. Even if she failed, capable Ransom would have a way to turn the situation in their favor. 

Now, she could barely spot him in the crowd. He stood a solid head and shoulders above most of them. How did Kaya lose him? 

"It's... Kaya, right?" A group of three high schoolers inched their way closer. 

As if they didn't know her name. Kaya put on her best smile and nodded her head instead of rolling her eyes. "Yes. That's right." 

"You don't recognize us?" One of them asked. 

Kaya hesitated before she shook her head. They didn't seem familiar. 

The third one gave a wry smile. "We're here to apologize. We were... part of the group that... hounded you when the rumors first came out."

The live stream group? It was possible, but Kaya didn't remember seeing them. 

Then again, much of that evening remained a blur in Kaya's memory. 

The first girl spoke up again. "If we knew that Ran liked you so much, we wouldn't have done that."

Kaya wanted to chastise them. To tell them that they shouldn't have done it anyway. But... they were apologizing, no matter how hypocritical it seemed. Shouldn't she say something? 

A click of heels behind Kaya drew the attention away from the girls' apology. 

"If you're truly sorry, then don't be mean to her again." Jade slipped her arm through Kaya's. "If you'll excuse us, Kaya's being summoned." Without another word of explanation, Jade turned Kaya away from the high-schoolers and into the crowd. 

Kaya glanced over her shoulder. "Why are we running away?"

"We're not. We're making a timely exit." Jade held up a finger as if instructing a schoolgirl. "There is a difference." 

"But they were apologizing."

"They weren't truly repentant. They got caught, that's all." 

"They were still apologizing."

Jade stopped in her tracks. "If there is one thing I've learned over the years, it's that you should never accept an apology unless it's sincere. Insincere people like that will use their words and false actions to manipulate you."

Kaya blinked twice. Who hurt Jade to make her think so negatively? "Are you... okay?" 

Jade nodded. "I'm fine, but I'm not going to let them harm you." 

Fiercely protective? Or terrified of a repeat? Something definitely happened to harden Jade. Kaya only wished she knew what it was. 

"Congratulations on fooling the fan club." That annoying voice. Kaya would recognize it anywhere. 

Kaya sucked in a steadying breath and turned to face her. Alicia Fairchild. The mastermind behind the fan club. 

Alicia folded her arms. "But you're not fooling me." 

"I can't control what you think." Kaya shrugged her shoulders. 

Alicia rolled her eyes. "A diplomatic, evasive answer. Figures. I expected as much." 

"Stop badgering our little Kaya," Jade commanded. 

"I'm not badgering her. I'm seeking the truth. Their whole relationship is suspicious. I don't know why Ran would lie to his own fans, especially since we're as close as family to him. But I do know one thing: I'm going to find you out, one way or another." Alicia took a step closer and leaned into Kaya's personal space. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow at work." 

Kaya pasted on a smile that she knew didn't reach her eyes. "Of course. I look forward to proving you wrong." 

Alicia snorted a laugh. "Good luck." And with that last word, she turned on her heel and stormed away. 

Kaya lifted her hand to rub her thumb-nail along her bottom lip. "Will she really figure it out?" 

"Who cares?" Jade grabbed a hold of Kaya's arm again. "Your and Ransom's private life is none of her business." 

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