Lina's Plan

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Lina would admit that she hadn't thought through the whole plan when she gave Kaya the mask. She didn't think through a lot of her plans. It usually didn't matter.

The crowd pressing against her from every side brought one clarity to Lina's life. From now on, she would think through her plans. 

In the beginning, Lina wanted nothing more than to make the look of fear and anxiety go away from her friend's eyes. Now... she regretted the whole thing. Just a little. 

Come on, Z. Where are you at when I need you? 

Lina distinctly remembered telling her twin about this plan. Why couldn't he ever show up when she actually needed him? Why did he always have to come in late? Did he have a drama queen complex or something? 

The people on every side pressed so close that Lina felt like suffocating. She was glad she chose to chance this instead of Kaya. Kaya would have never made it through. 

A familiar car zoomed to the curb. The passenger side door sailed open. 

Lina grinned. Finally. She ducked her head, put her fingers to the bill on her ball cap, and made a beeline to the car. 

The door had barely shut when Zoren zoomed away from the curb. 

"What the actual heck, Lina?!" 

Lina pulled the hat from her head and ran her fingers through her hair. "Oh. My. GOSH! That was... amazing!" 

"I would repeat my question, but I don't think you're listening." Zoren shook his head. "What's going on. Why are you wearing... that?" 

Oh, for Pete's sake. Did she fail as both a friend and a sister? Why hadn't Zoren seen the news? Lina rummaged her pockets for her phone. "You have to see this..." 

"I can't, I'm driving." Zoren glanced at Lina, then did a double-take. "Is that a guy's shirt? Where did you get it? Are you secretly dating someone?" 

"Oh, this? Let me tell you. This isn't mine." 

"Yes, clearly." 

"No, like, I literally threw it on two minutes ago. Kaya wore it the rest of the day." 

"What?!" Zoren slammed on the brakes at a red light. "Where did Kaya get a shirt like that? She clearly doesn't have a boyfriend... no family... was she taken advantage of? Did someone drag her home? Where's he at, I'll go teach him a lesson." 

"Calm down, hot sauce." Lina glared at her twin. "Jade lent it to her. Turns out the shirt actually belongs to Jade's cousin, who happens to own that giant tower across from Kaya's workplace. The tabloids ran with it." 

"Is she okay? Do we need to go pick her up, too?" 

"Nah, fam. I sent her out the back way." Lina tossed her hat in the back seat. "Just drive around for a while to make sure no one followed us." 

"Dang, sis. Next time give me a little warning, okay? I almost had a heart attack." 

Lina grinned knowingly. Even if her twin didn't know what he revealed by every action and reaction, Lina could read him like an open book. Even if she brought up her blind date from the week before, Zoren wouldn't care right now. He barely asked about Lina once a certain chocolate-haired beauty came up in the subject. 

A plan formed in Lina's meddlesome little brain. She always had liked getting into other people's business. She didn't see why that would change now. 

Lina closed her eyes and giggled, as satisfied as a Cheshire cat could get. 

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