The First Move (pt. 2)

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"Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" Kaya looked to Ransom for answers first, then Jade in the backseat. 

Jade shrugged. 

Ransom chuckled. "Are you nervous?" 

"Of course I'm nervous! No one told me what we're doing or where we're going. I have no idea what's going on. You mentioned war, which... quite frankly... doesn't settle well with me. I'm a passivist, okay?" 

"You're rambling," Jade pointed out. 

Kaya shrugged her shoulders. 

Ransom sighed softly. "She's rambling because she's nervous. There is nothing to be nervous about."

Kaya could almost hear the silent yet at the end of his sentence. 

"Then why won't you tell me where we're going?" 

Ransom leaned toward her side of the car, just over the barrier into her personal space. "It's a surprise." 

"What if I don't like surprises?" 

"You'll like this one." Ransom sat up straight again so he could focus on the road. "Well, the first part, at least." 

"It's things like that which make her nervous," Jade muttered. 

Ransom shook his head at her. "That's why I brought you along." 

"Oh, yes. Great thinking, Ransom." Jade's sarcasm dripped from her lips like bitter honey. 

Kaya held her hands up, one facing Ransom and one facing Jade. "Okay, stop. You're not making this any better. Let me breathe, at least. If you're not going to tell me what's going on." 

"No time for breathing. We're here." 

Ransom pulled the vehicle into a parking space outside a quaint little boutique. 

"Shopping?" Kaya stared at him as if he'd gone insane. "Why are we shopping?" 

"I told you. We're preparing for war." Ransom glanced over his shoulder at Jade. "Didn't you say that every woman needs battle armor?" 

"You listened. How nice." 

"I still don't understand." Kaya wished she spoke the same language as Jade and Ransom, but they seemed to hear a subtext she didn't. 

Jade patted Kaya's shoulder. "Ransom is buying you clothes. Don't say no to free clothes." 

Kaya still didn't have a decent answer to her questions, but Jade had a point. Buying clothes did help relieve stress. Kaya hadn't had the opportunity to shop for things beyond necessities. Overall, it couldn't hurt anything, right? 

"Shall we, then?" Ransom shut the car off and unbuckled his seat-belt. 

Kaya hesitated only a second before she also released her seat-belt. 

"Stay put." Ransom stepped out of the car and circled around the front to open Kaya's door for her. He offered her a hand to help her out of the vehicle. 

Kaya gave him a smile of thanks. Her fingers met Ransom's with the usual zing of electric current between them. Though she should expect it by now, it never ceased to startle her. 

If Ransom felt the same, he didn't say anything. 

The odd trio entered the boutique to the sound of soft chimes over the door. 

A tall, thin woman with perfectly styled hair and an air of superiority sailed out from behind a curtain. "My loves!" 

Kaya took a step back. The woman's air was intimidating, to say the least. 

Jade circled in front of Ransom and Kaya to hold out her hands toward the woman. "Cherie. Lovely to see you again. We haven't worked together in far too long." 

Cherie kissed Jade on both cheeks, but her eyes wandered to Ransom. 

Kaya tried not to frown. A sinking feeling in her gut felt strange, yet familiar. Kaya wasn't stupid. She knew the feeling stemmed from the way this woman looked at Ransom. It seemed, as far as feelings went, that Kaya danced on a precipice she couldn't afford to fall from. 

"I've brought your client for the afternoon," Ransom informed Cherie. 

Cherie's gaze started at the top of Kaya's head and worked its way down to the tips of her toes. "So you're the lucky woman."

"Excuse me?" Kaya didn't quite like the way she said it. 

Cherie waved a hand through the air. "Enough chit-chat. Come with me, we'll get started. Ransom, dear, feel free to take a seat and wait." 

"I'll go with them," Jade assured him quietly. 

Ransom looked to Kaya for confirmation. 

There wasn't really another choice, so Kaya nodded.

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