Leona's Date (pt. 1)

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Ransom had given Leona a specified time and meeting location, in lieu of picking her up at her home. The drive, just Ransom and Kaya together, only managed to rev Kaya's nerves into overdrive. 

It was one of those days when she wished that Ransom didn't understand her need for quiet. Talking could be nice, too. Especially when it distracted her from the upcoming disaster. 

She could feel it. Since the moment that Kaya met Leona, she hadn't had a moment's peace. Leona didn't have any rhyme or reason. Anything that Kaya expected from Leona somehow turned completely upside-down and backwards. How did Ransom expect Kaya to survive?

He wouldn't even tell her where they were going. How non-Ransom-like. 

Ransom parked the SUV in a downtown lot and turned off the engine. "Are you sure you're going to be okay with this?" 

"I guess." Kaya nodded, but truth be told it already bothered her. 

Why would Ransom agree to go on a date with someone else? Was this what people referred to as "keeping their options open"?

No, Ransom had already declared his intentions to one day marry her. He wasn't the kind to go back on his word. 

Ransom's fingers, wrapped gently around her own, snapped Kaya back to reality. "I have no feelings for her. This is only so she'll help us bring Richard down." 

Of course, Kaya knew that, but it didn't make her feel any better. Leona had a way of getting her own way, and Kaya didn't want that to happen under her nose. 

"It'll be okay." Ransom gave Kaya's hand a squeeze, then released it to step out of the vehicle. 

Kaya sighed. Did he have to let go of her? When he left like that, she missed the warmth of his company. The touch of his hand. Didn't he feel the same? 

Questions and insecurities swirling in her head, Kaya exited the vehicle, as well. 

Ransom locked the doors and pocketed his keys, then reached out for Kaya's hand. "Let's go." 

"Where are we going?" Kaya didn't hesitate to take the offered hand. 

Ransom laughed. "Don't sound so worried. A movie, first. I thought it would kill plenty of the time with minimal damage." 

The explanation soothed a small portion of Kaya's anxiety. Ransom had thought about her while planning this, she could tell. He knew she wouldn't like it, so he chose things that didn't require too much emotional or physical stress. 

Only one thing still concerned her. "What do you mean first?" 

"Leona would never be happy with just a movie." Ransom bent to kiss Kaya's head. "I'm afraid you'll have to put up with her for quite a while today." 

Great. Just what Kaya wanted to hear. Not. 

"Ransom, darling!" Leona jogged over from who-knew-where and wrapped her arms around Ransom's bicep. "I'm not late, am I?" 

Ransom gave a patronizing business smile in return. "No. You are not." 

Oh, joy. If the afternoon started like this, Kaya could only imagine how it might end. A seed of discontentment settled in her stomach, and a single knot began to form. 

Patience. Kindness. This is all for show. Kaya took a deep breath, only comforted by the fact that Ransom's hand hadn't move to leave hers. 

Yes, this was going to be a very... long... day.

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