Aftermath (pt. 2)

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I can't believe Lina convinced me to wear this. 

Kaya self-consciously touched her fingertips to the mask covering the lower half of her face. As if that hid her identity from anyone who came to see her. Good thought, but Lina should have taken it to its logical conclusion. 

The mask only made more people stare at her. They probably thought she was sick. Or a celebrity. 

I swear, when I get my hands on Lina later... 

"Isn't that the girl from The Everyday Celebrity?" the whisper floated from the other side of the counter. 

Kaya self-consciously fidgeted with her mask. Yep. It's official. I'm going to kill Lina. 

Minute by minute, the crowd outside grew larger and larger. Who told them where to find her? Did the pretty boy idiot CEO say something? Kaya found it progressively harder to focus on her work. 

Noel called it quits mid-afternoon. Kaya couldn't be more relieved. 

People kept staring, no matter what she did. Kaya didn't like being the center of attention. Not since that incident. 

The mask helped some, but people kept whispering and gossiping. Mr. Lee had warned her that it wouldn't be pretty, but Kaya hadn't expected this much attention from one measly article in some tabloid. 

Exactly how popular was Mr. Lee? Why did this many people care about his personal life? 

And, on a completely different note, how Kaya supposed to get through the crowd to go home? 

"You sure do have weird ways of bringing in customers." Noel peeked over Kaya's shoulder. 

Kaya startled and took a step away. "I wasn't trying to. Apparently I ended up in a magazine. I would love a recall." 

"Well, it's keeping us busy, that's for sure. I'm okay one way or another." Noel shrugged. "I make more money this way, but I'd rather be lazy for half the day. Do what you will." 

"Um... Noel?" Kaya spun to face her boss. 

Noel arched her brows in suspicion. "What? I don't like that tone." 

"How am I going to get home like this?" 

"Is that my problem?" 

"It is if you don't want me sleeping here." Kaya didn't mince words. Being nice didn't work with Noel. 

"Did your friend leave already?" Noel glanced around the shop. 

Kaya shrugged. She hadn't seen Lina in several minutes, but that could mean anything. 

"Hey, blondie!" Noel shouted toward the kitchen and break room. 

Lina poked her head into the doorway. "Yes? Do you need something?" 

"Get your buddy out of here and away from my shop." 

"Oh, is that all?" Lina waved a hand through the air. "I already have a plan for that."

"You do?" Kaya and Noel both gaped at her. 

"I'm not that stupid. I had to keep up with my brother all my life." Lina held out a hand toward Kaya. "Mask please." 

Kaya hesitantly pulled the mask from her face and held it out to Lina. 

"Come with me!" Lina bounced back into the kitchen. 

Part of Kaya didn't want to go anywhere with Lina, but her curiosity got the better of her in the end. 

Lina retrieved the shirt from where she had stashed it earlier, then extracted a black baseball cap from her bag. She tucked her hair up underneath the hat. 

"Okay, listen." Lina covered her face with the mask and slung the shirt over her shoulders. "I'm going out the front. You make an escape out the back. I'll see you back at home." 

"Are you sure? That sounds dangerous." Kaya rolled her lips together. 

Lina shook her head. "I've got that covered. Don't waste time, okay? Get home as fast as possible. Noel! I'm ready!" 

Kaya watched her friend's retreating back as she made a beeline for the door, then out into the mob. Even if she had wanted to kill Lina earlier, Kaya hoped she made it back okay. 

As per her instructions, Kaya grabbed her stuff and made a run for it out the back. 

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