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Once the hospital declared that nothing was physically wrong with Kaya, Zoren and Lina made quick work of whisking her out. 

Since there were few things that Kaya hated more than hospitals, she didn't argue. 

Unfortunately, it seemed that more than one reporter chose to camp out at the apartment complex. Zoren, the driver, took one look at them and drove off immediately. 

Kaya sighed heavily. "Why are they so obsessed? People date all the time." 

"I know, right?" Lina leaned forward from the backseat, just to glare at the side of her brother's head. 

"Yeah..." Zoren cleared his throat. "That may be partially my fault." 

"You didn't do anything wrong." Kaya offered Zoren a small smile, because right now it was all she could give. "What are we going to do?" 

"If we had security, we could call and have them kicked out, but we don't." Lina glared at Zoren again. 

Zoren rolled his eyes this time. "Okay, look, just because an apartment building doesn't have security, that doesn't make it a bad place, okay? Gosh. Spoiled much?" 

"Very spoiled. Because warning you that one day having a security office would be a good idea totally means I'm spoiled." Lina flopped back in her seat. "I knew this would happen one day." 

Kaya raised a finger. She hated to interrupt, but she had some questions that no one had answered. "Lina, what do you do for a living?" 

"Right now? I work at a company."

"Which one?" 

Lina coughed a few times. "You know, I don't think that's a super important question right now..." 

"It's important to me." Why would no one tell her anything about themselves? It wasn't as if Kaya would do something stupid with the information. 

"Oh. Okay. Well..." Lina buried her face in her hands. "I work at Conditus, but like not in the PR division, but another division." She split two fingers on each hand to peek out. 

Kaya turned to stare at her friend. "You didn't think that it might be important to tell me that? You know this whole thing is going down with your CEO, right?" 

"Like I said, not my department." Lina flashed a quick smile. "Honestly, I didn't even know anything about it originally. Please don't blame me." 

"Blame her. I'm begging you." Zoren shot his own glare at his sister through the rearview mirror. 

"Hey!" Lina pointed a finger at her brother. "I'm not the only one who has things they haven't told her." 

"How does this always get brought back around to me?" 

Kaya raised her finger again. "Um... may I ask what you're not telling me, Zoren?" 

"You can ask, but I think it's best that you take it easy for a few days before I tell you. I'm not trying to get blamed for illnesses I didn't cause." 

Did it really have that much impact, what Zoren hadn't told her? Kaya thought they could be friends, she and the twins, even without knowing much about each other. After all, she went to school with Lina. Neither could be hiding anything sinister, could they?

Still, Kaya felt uneasy about being in the dark. Maybe she should push the issue, if only for her state of mind. 

"We'll circle the block and go in the back way, okay?" 

Zoren changed the subject so smoothly that Kaya didn't have a chance to ask her questions. Instead, she nodded along and let the subject drop. For now. 

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