Ransom's Meeting (pt. 2)

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"I think it's time for you to leave, Kaya." Ransom looked up at her, nodding his encouragement that she get out.

Kaya, though she wanted to hear more, trusted Ransom's judgment. She took the path toward the door one step at a time, inhaling sharply to remain calm.

"That's who it was..." Mr. Golde mused. "Your Ms. Parker looks almost identical to someone I know. What was her name? Amelia."

Kaya's feet froze, glued to the floor as if concrete weighed them down. No one was supposed to know. Mr. Golde shouldn't have found out. How did he know her mother's name?

"I hadn't thought about her in years. Not until recently, that is." Mr. Golde sighed. "Looks like beauty runs in the family."


Kaya looked over her shoulder to see Ransom standing, his hands on his desk where he had slammed them. He looked first to panicking Kaya, then settled his laserbeam glare at Mr. Golde.

"I was going to play nice, you know." Ransom ground out through gritted teeth. "But if this is how you want to play it, allow me to join you."

Kaya swallowed, wishing the tears would go away. She shouldn't cry in front of Mr. Golde.

Ransom snatched a file folder and dropped it violently in front of Mr. Golde. "Evidence of your bribery. You pay for Richard Aberdeen's campaigns, he makes sure you win the bids for city construction. What a... noble way to grow your fame."

"Oh, is that what this is about?" Mr. Golde chuckled again. "To think that this all boils down to Richard Aberdeen. Why would you be out for his blood? He's too big a predator for the likes of you."

"The likes of me could put you in jail in five minutes with the evidence I have." Ransom lifted his chin, a haughty move that made him seem anything but calm. "I'm offering you a chance to get away, without being dragged down. I suggest you take it because if I hear one more sarcastic comment from you, I may change my mind."

Mr. Golde idly flipped open the file. Then went stiff. "You... you..."

"Watch your language, Ambrosius. There is a lady present."

"Where did you get this?"

This time, it was Ransom's turn to laugh. "I work in PR, Mr. Golde. If there's dirt on anyone, I can find it. It's not beyond my capabilities."

"Fine. Let's discuss this quietly, hm?"

Ransom stormed around his desk, quick to march to Kaya's side and wrap his arm around her shoulders. His head lowered, his lips close enough to her ear that Kaya could feel every breath. "Don't be scared. I'll ask about your mother, okay?"

Kaya nodded, the only action she was capable of.

Ransom opened the office door. "Tobin. Lawrence. Get Kaya a seat and something warm to drink."

Kaya only vaguely registered the bustle that went on around her. Only one question permeated her thoughts, over and over again. How did Mr. Golde know her mother? 

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