The Forgotten Assignment (pt. 3)

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Kaya tiptoed into the kitchens as if she could hide from the busybodies who worked there. 

Maybe they wouldn't be around on a Saturday. Maybe they had gone home already. 

"What are you doing?" Ransom's breath ghosted against Kaya's ear as he asked the hushed question. 

Kaya startled, spun, and instinctively clamped a hand over his mouth to silence him. 

Ransom's dark eyes blinked twice, as if she had surprised him. That was new. Kaya couldn't remember ever seeing his façade crack. 

Kaya glanced over her shoulder at the empty interior of the kitchen. On the off chance that Marcy and Jacob were in the freezer, she could probably still get to her station and back. If she moved quickly, maybe no one would hear her. 

Forgetting about Ransom, Kaya dropped her hand and darted to her station. As expected, the file sat right where she left it. She should learn to be less dense in the future. 

With the package clutched to her chest, Kaya tiptoed back to Ransom's side. She motioned with one hand toward the door, hoping he got the message. 

Ransom perused the kitchen slowly, as if waiting for something. Did he have no concept of get in, get out? 

Kaya grabbed hold of his jacket sleeve and tugged him behind her toward the door. Might as well take charge while he let her. No need to stay in the kitchens any longer than necessary. Just in case. 

"Why the secrecy?" Ransom asked as soon as the kitchen door shut behind them. 

"What if someone asks about us?" 

"What about it?" 

Kaya stopped moving so she could turn and stare at him. As if he lost his ever-loving mind. 

"As of tomorrow afternoon, we'll be an official couple. So what if they know a few hours ahead of time?" 

"It's... weird." 

"It's not weird. It's perfectly normal." 

Kaya pulled her lower lip between her teeth. Ransom had a point. How would she handle this if she couldn't even handle her tentative friends knowing about them? 

"They'll gossip..." It sounded like an excuse, even to Kaya's ears. 

"About what? This?" Ransom twisted his sleeve out of Kaya's grasp and, in the same motion, caught her fingers inside his. "Why is that bad?" 

Kaya allowed herself exactly three seconds to enjoy the warmth from Ransom's hand. Then she tugged her fingers away. "It's bad." 

"I know you think that. But why?" Ransom kept a hold of her hand, gentle but firm. 

Kaya swallowed. This was bad. Very bad. Ransom's gentle touch made her want to stay this way. Made her want to get lost in this relationship and forget the worries of her past. Something she could never, ever afford to do. 


Kaya sighed. "It just is. Rumors always end up growing too large." 

"Let me worry about rumors. That's my job. You focus on living your life." 

"Why?" Kaya threw Ransom's question back at him. 

Ransom met her gaze with a sincere, honest expression. "Your happiness will make me happiest." 

Kaya didn't have the time or inclination to ponder what that meant. Nor did she dwell on the way her heart skipped a beat. 

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