Evening Plans (pt. 1)

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The policemen hadn't been able to do much, but at least the incident had gone on the official record. That could be helpful later, if something were to happen. 

Now that they had left, Kaya could return to her apartment. 

But she didn't want to. 

It no longer felt safe in a place that had been corrupted by an outside force. How could she sleep peacefully in that space? What if they came back?

If Zoren would stop pacing, it might be helpful to her nerves. He hadn't sat back down since Kaya first arrived. 

"Do you want more tea?" Lina called from the kitchen. 

Kaya shook her head, then realized that Lina couldn't see her. "No, thank you." 

"Are you sure? It's calming." 

Yes, so Kaya had heard. Five times. Once for each refill that Lina insisted on giving her. If she drank any more tea, she might puke. "I'm okay." 

"You are clearly not okay." Zoren stop his pacing to stare at Kaya in confusion. "How can you say that you're okay?" 

"Nothing happened to me, right?" Kaya shrugged her shoulders. "So I'm okay." 

"Physically, maybe." Zoren huffed. "But clearly not mentally. Who goes through this stuff and still claims to be alright?" 

"Shut it," Lina reprimanded her twin as she re-entered the room. 

Zoren threw his hands up in surrender, but his expression still held questions. 

Lina sank onto the couch beside Kaya, a cup of tea in her hands. 

Kaya frowned. "Please tell me that you didn't make that for me." 

"Don't be ridiculous, this is mine." 

"And the one you just set on the table?" Kaya pointed to the mug in front of them. 

"Jade's." Lina lifted her cup to take a sip. 

Kaya paused to let that information sink in. Jade's? But... "Jade isn't here." 

Lina took another nonchalant sip of tea. "She will be." 

"You called Jade?" Kaya leaned her head against the back of the sofa. 

Could the night get any worse? Not that she held anything against Jade. On the contrary, Kaya really liked Jade. However, if Kaya had learned one thing from the times she spent around Jade, it was that whatever Jade knew always somehow got back to Ransom Lee. 

Kaya did not want Ransom to know about her most embarrassing point. 

She would analyze why at a later time. 

Lina shrugged. "She would have found out sooner or later. Besides, you don't want to spend the night alone, do you?" 

"I could always just stay here," Kaya muttered. 

Zoren pointed an approving finger her direction. "I like this plan." 

Lina shot him a glare. "Absolutely not. Kaya and I are going to Jade's for the evening." 

"We are?" Kaya asked.

Zoren arched his brows. "You are? That's been decided?" 

Lina nodded. "Jade and I unilaterally decided putting Kaya someplace with security would make all of us feel better. Jade's place has the best security. Maybe, if someone had moved to a better apartment building, I could let my friends stay over with peace of mind." 

Zoren wrinkled his nose and stuck out his tongue. "Whatever." 

"Is there anything you need from your place? Zoren and I can help you get it." 

Kaya couldn't say no to such a helpful offer. As much as she wanted to work through this alone, it suddenly seemed that it might be better to have people around to help her. 

"I'll need stuff for tomorrow, at least." 

"Let's go get it, then. Zoren can watch the door." 

"I can?" 

"You can." Lina checked her phone. "Jade just got here, too. Let's go." 

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