Moving On

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"You're... what?" Noel blinked, as if she couldn't quite process what Kaya just said. 

Kaya tucked an errant hair behind her ear. "After what happened with the fan club, it was mutually decided that it might not be the best idea for me to continue working here." 

"Mutually decided? Who's a part of this mutual group? I wasn't invited." 

"Those of us involved in the scandal." 

Noel rolled her eyes. "I feel that I'm indirectly involved. You're the one over here bringing in customers and all that jazz. I'm rolling in dough. I don't approve this action. You should stay here and work. I'll let you run the kitchen." 

Tempting as that sounded, Kaya had made a promise. A verbal contract was still a contract. 

"I'm really sorry, Noel." 

"Are you sure this is really the best course of action?" 

Kaya nodded. "As far as I'm concerned, I think this will be better for controlling the situation." 

"Did the Conditus dude feed you that line? Because, me? I'd personally just date the one who claimed he's your boyfriend. That sounds easiest." 

"I don't have that luxury. I don't have time to date." Kaya tugged at the end of her ponytail. "I have to head over to Conditus now. I'm really sorry." 

"As an employer, shouldn't I get two week's notice?" Noel folded her arms. "I think I feel a little gypped." 

"It's an emergency situation. Please understand." Kaya pressed her palms together, pleading. She hadn't counted on this complication. 

Noel had never expressly liked Kaya. Why did she want to cling onto her so badly? 

Noel wrinkled her nose. "I can't believe I'm about to say this." 

"Say what?" 

"I've never really paid attention to my part-timers and I'm a little bit of a tyrant. You're the first part-timer to treat me like a human after all I did. So... I guess I'm a little sorry to see you go." 

It was Kaya's turn to blink in shock. Noel wasn't a sappy person, so for her to say those words meant the world to Kaya. She understood what it took to speak instead of remaining silent. 

"I can always come visit," Kaya suggested.

Noel nodded. "Sounds good. And if that idiot mistreats you, let me know. I'm pretty good with a knife and a wooden spoon." 

Kaya couldn't help the laugh that leapt from her throat. "I'll keep that in mind, although I'm pretty sure he and I came to an understanding." 

"Understandings change. Know what you're getting into before you leap. And if you ever need to come back, there's a spot open for you. Just in case." 

Kaya had a feeling that Noel offered mostly to keep her customers, but she was touched by it anyway. 

"I should head out." 

"Sure. Yes. Go out the back way to avoid the fans. They're still protesting." 

Kaya groaned. She probably should have thought about that before she showed up to tell Noel what was going on. Although, if she could avoid the fans for a brief moment in time, she could move on. 

That's what Kaya wanted most in life. To move on. From everything. 

To forget.

With a determination borne of desperation, Kaya made her way out through the back alley. Once she reached Conditus, a whole new future awaited her. She just wasn't sure if it was good or bad. 

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